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Business Development

Business management isn't an easy job. But with a little help from your friends at Insightful, it can become easier. Find out how we managed to resolve some of the biggest business challenges, and learn how to deal with those issues in your own company.

Employee Monitoring Employee Monitoring Software Can Do More Harm Than Good
July 4, 2019

4 Ways in Which Employee Monitoring Software Can Do More Harm Than Good

Employee monitoring software can do a lot of harm to an organization... Of course, there's a way to avoid this, and keep your office relationships intact. In this article, we're presenting four ways how PC monitoring software can damage your organization, and what can Insightful do to help you prevent that.

4 Ways in Which Employee Monitoring Software Can Do More Harm Than Good
Kristina Valjarevic
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Employee Monitoringhow pc monitoring software can solve common business challenges
July 3, 2019

PC Monitoring Software Can Solve Common Business Challenges

Every business struggles with office distractions, punctuality, micromanagement and bias every now and then. What if there was a magic tool that can help your business replace these challenges with amazing growth opportunities? Well, PC monitoring software can help you do just that! Read on to find out how.

PC Monitoring Software Can Solve Common Business Challenges
Bojana Djordjevic
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Employee Monitoringis employee monitoring legal
July 2, 2019

Is Employee Monitoring Legal?

Have you ever wondered about employee monitoring laws in your country? Is it legal, and if yes, to what extent? Do you need employees' consent to monitor their equipment? Should you even notify them? We decided to explore laws of 10 different countries and present you with some short answers.

Is Employee Monitoring Legal?
Bojana Djordjevic
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Employee MonitoringComputer Monitoring Software - Here's What to Look for
July 1, 2019

Computer Monitoring Software - What to Look for?

Are you planning on purchasing an employee monitoring software? Great news! Have you decided which features do you need? What's your budget? How simple does it need to be? You still don't have an answer to these questions? Well, we're here to help you out. Keep on reading to find out what you should look for in a computer monitoring software.

Computer Monitoring Software - What to Look for?
Bojana Djordjevic
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Employee Monitoringemployee tracking software - how to implement
June 28, 2019

6 Steps to Take Before Buying an Employee Monitoring Software

Upon deciding to purchase an employee monitoring software you need to think about the next steps. In this blog post, we laid out 6 most important steps you should take before purchasing the computer monitoring software of your choice.

6 Steps to Take Before Buying an Employee Monitoring Software
Bojana Djordjevic
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Employee Monitoringpros and cons of employee tracking software
June 28, 2019

11 Pros and Cons of Employee Monitoring

Computer monitoring software has pros and cons, but do advantages really outweigh the disadvantages? Read our blog to find out!

11 Pros and Cons of Employee Monitoring
Bojana Djordjevic
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Employee Monitoringtypes of employee monitoring
June 26, 2019

Most Common Types of Employee Monitoring

Employee monitoring and surveillance has been around for a long time. However, as technology and society developed, the monitoring practices changed. Once could even argue they became too severe. In this post, we are exploring the most common employee monitoring techniques.

Most Common Types of Employee Monitoring
Bojana Djordjevic
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Business Managementemployee monitoring - eu work time directive
June 21, 2019

How Can Insightful Help You Comply with EU Work Time Directive?

If you're not compliant with the EU Work Time Directive, and if you're not able to show proof of your compliance you could pay a fine of up to 15 thousand Euros! Well, if you're using Workpuls, you can be sure such fine won't come to your door. Check out how we can help you comply with the law while making your team a bit more productive.

How Can Insightful Help You Comply with EU Work Time Directive?
Bojana Djordjevic
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