Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum


The rise of remote work has amplified the need for effective monitoring software for remote workers. Open-source software offers cost-effectiveness, customization, and transparency, allowing businesses to tailor tools to their needs. However, proprietary solutions, exemplified by platforms like Insightful, bring unique strengths such as advanced integrations, comprehensive time-tracking, proactive alerts, and stringent security. Companies must weigh the advantages of both open-source and proprietary systems to determine the best fit for their operations.

Read time: 5 minutes

Table of Contents:

  • What Is Open Source Employee Monitoring Software?
  • The Ultimate Open Source Employee Monitoring List
  • Beyond Open Source: Insightful's Employee Monitoring Solution

With the rise of remote work, gig economies, and digital nomads, companies find it increasingly crucial to invest in efficient employee monitoring tools. 

But with the vast array of available options, which one should you choose? 

Are you looking for the cost-effective, customizable advantages of open-source software? Look no further! Here's a deep dive into the best open-source employee monitoring tools available today.

What Is Open Source Employee Monitoring Software?

Open-source employee monitoring software  refers to software solutions designed to track, analyze, and report on employee activities during work hours, but with a distinct characteristic: the software's source code is openly available and can be modified or enhanced by anyone. 

This contrasts with proprietary software, where the source code is not shared with the public and can only be modified by the owner. Popular proprietary employee monitoring solutions might offer more polished user interfaces, customer support, and features out of the box, but open-source alternatives provide flexibility and transparency that some organizations might prioritize.

Here are some benefits of using open-source employee monitoring software:

  • Customizability: Because the source code is available, companies or individual users can tailor the software to their specific needs, adding or modifying features as required.

  • Cost-effective: Open source software is typically available for free, though some might come with optional paid versions or support. This can be cost-effective for businesses looking to deploy employee monitoring without a substantial upfront investment.

  • Community Support: Many open source projects are backed by robust communities. This means users can often turn to forums or other platforms for assistance, share ideas, or collaborate on further enhancements.

  • Transparency and Privacy: One of the concerns with employee monitoring solutions is privacy. With open-source software, organizations can review the code to ensure no malicious features or backdoors exist. This transparency can build trust among employees.

  • Integration: Some open-source monitoring solutions might offer better integrations with other open-source tools or platforms, creating a cohesive ecosystem.

While open-source employee monitoring tools have many benefits, there are other important aspects to consider when deciding which software is right for your business:

  • Updates and Maintenance: While open-source software can benefit from community contributions, there's no guarantee of regular updates or patches unless there's an active community or a dedicated team behind the project.

  • Compliance and Legal Considerations: Before implementing any employee monitoring solution, open source or not, businesses must be aware of legal and ethical considerations. Consent, data privacy regulations, and the scope of monitoring are essential factors to consider.

If you're considering using open-source computer monitoring software, it's essential to evaluate the software's capabilities, community activity, and compatibility with your organization's requirements.

The Ultimate Open Source Employee Monitoring Software List 

1. DeskTime

DeskTime, a leading figure in the world of user activity monitoring tools open source, prides itself on the meticulous monitoring of employee activity, ensuring that businesses gain an in-depth understanding of how their workforce operates on both desktop and mobile platforms.    

This tool is especially suitable for businesses of all sizes, ranging from freelancers and solo entrepreneurs who wish to maximize their productivity, to larger corporations seeking comprehensive insights into team activities and individual performance metrics.

Key Features:

  • Application Use Tracking: Understand which applications your employees are spending their time on.

  • Online Data Monitoring: Get insights into real-time employee activity.

  • Offline Time Tracking: Monitor productivity even when employees are not online.

  • Integration: Seamlessly works with popular tools like JIRA, Zapier, Trello, and Asana.

DeskTime offers a free version for a single user. Premium plans start from $7 per user per month.

2. ScreenshotMonitor

For those who believe that a picture speaks a thousand words, ScreenshotMonitor delivers an encompassing solution by marrying the art of visual data with the precision of time tracking. 

This tool is especially tailored for managers, team leads, and businesses who value visual evidence of work in tandem with traditional time tracking metrics, providing an enhanced layer of transparency and accountability in remote or office-based working scenarios.

Key Features:

  • Screenshot Taking: Regular intervals of screenshots help ensure transparency in employee activities.

  • Activity and App Monitoring: Detailed logs of applications used and websites visited.

  • Archive Functionality: Store screenshots for future reference or evaluation.

A free version is available with premium plans beginning at $9 per user per month.

3. MangoApps

Redefining the digital workspace, MangoApps seamlessly integrates a sophisticated workplace solution with superior monitoring functionalities. This platform is especially apt for modern businesses and teams that are aiming for a blend of collaboration tools and insightful employee monitoring within a unified digital environment.

Key Features:

  • Customizable Tracking Module: Tailor-make your tracking approach using diverse templates.

  • User Login Activity Module: Monitor logins to ensure security and assess work patterns.

  • Advanced Productivity Analytics: Dive deep into analytics with employee profiles and graphs.

  • Integration: Seamless connection with Dropbox, MailChimp, and Twitter.

MangoApps employs a quote-based pricing system.

4. Simple In/Out

At the crossroads of versatility and innovation, Simple In/Out emerges as an all-encompassing tool, adaptable across a range of platforms from desktops and mobiles to web browsers and even televisions. 

This is an optimal choice for businesses desiring a multi-platform approach, especially those in industries like hospitality, where real-time status displays can greatly enhance user experience and operational efficiency.

Key Features:

  • FrontDesk Application: A unique feature that showcases company status on a tablet – a game-changer for the hospitality industry.

  • Modernized TimeClock: Out with old punch cards and in with barcodes and badges.

Plans start at $9.99 per month for 10 users.

5. Factorial

Tailored predominantly for the unique dynamics of small businesses, Factorial shines with its HR-driven perspective on employee tracking. By focusing on the myriad aspects of human resources, it not only ensures productivity but also fosters a nurturing environment for employees, streamlining processes from recruitment to training.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive HR Solutions: Everything from onboarding to talent acquisition and training management.

  • Entrance App: Employees can clock in using QR codes, streamlining the login process.

  • Geolocalization: Track the real-time location of employees during work hours.

Prices start from $4 per employee per month.

6. StaffCop Enterprise

For organizations where security stands paramount and the threat from within is as critical as the external landscape, StaffCop Enterprise emerges as a tailored solution. With a concentrated focus on mitigating insider threats, this tool provides a blend of deep surveillance with proactive alerts, ensuring a safety net against potentially harmful activities.

Key Features:

  • Behavior Analytics: Identify potential insider threats through unusual behavior patterns.

  • Data Loss Prevention: Proactive alerts based on behavior anomalies.

  • Remote Employee Tracking: A one-stop solution for monitoring remote employees' activities and controlling their desktops.

Pricing begins at $35 per month.

7. Clockify

Embracing the ethos of open-source, Clockify emerges as an economical solution that doesn't compromise on flexibility. With a design geared towards businesses that prefer a non-intrusive monitoring approach, it masterfully blends timesheet tracking, employee scheduling, and task management into one comprehensive platform.

Key Features:

  • Timesheets and Scheduling: Enables efficient time tracking and employee scheduling.

  • Task Management: Assign, track, and manage tasks seamlessly.

  • Customizability: Being open-source, you can tailor Clockify to fit your specific requirements.

Pricing begins at $3.99  a month. 

Beyond Open Source: Insightful's Employee Monitoring Solution

While we've explored the many benefits and offerings of open-source employee monitoring tools, it's worth noting that there are proprietary solutions that bring their unique strengths to the table. One such solution that has been garnering attention in the realm of employee monitoring is Insightful.

While open-source tools offer flexibility and adaptability, proprietary solutions like Insightful employee monitoring and time tracking software often come with their advantages, such as dedicated customer support, regular feature updates, and often, more polished user interfaces. Moreover, they might offer specialized functionalities tailored to address specific business challenges that open-source solutions might not cover comprehensively.

Let's delve deeper into what sets Insightful's employee monitoring software apart from the rest.

  • Advanced Integrations: Unlike many open-source solutions, Insightful's beta Integration feature collaborates seamlessly with top-tier project management tools like Jira and Basecamp, streamlining workflows.

  • Enhanced Time-Tracking & Productivity Insights: More than just logging hours, Insightful offers deep dives into performance, collaboration, and more, arming managers with a holistic view of productivity.

  • Proactive Alert Systems: The Insightful Alerts tool is not just about passive tracking; it actively provides real-time notifications on attendance and potential security threats, ensuring prompt organizational responses.

  • Always Active Features: Beyond basic tracking, Insightful detects when microphones, cameras, or computers are actively in use, ensuring real-time monitoring of engagement.

  • Robust Security Measures: Transparency is a strength of open-source tools, but Insightful guarantees top-tier security with role-based access controls and stringent encryption, ensuring your data remains confidential.

  • Office vs. Remote Productivity Analysis: As remote work becomes increasingly prevalent, Insightful's detailed analytics on productivity based on work location assists businesses in crafting optimal work structures.

While open-source tools provide customization freedom and cost benefits, proprietary solutions like Insightful marry advanced features, user-centric design, and dedicated support. As you map out your monitoring strategy, consider the unique offerings of both realms to identify which aligns best with your organizational aspirations.

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Employee Monitoring

The Ultimate Guide to Open Source Employee Monitoring Software

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
October 13, 2023


The rise of remote work has amplified the need for effective monitoring software for remote workers. Open-source software offers cost-effectiveness, customization, and transparency, allowing businesses to tailor tools to their needs. However, proprietary solutions, exemplified by platforms like Insightful, bring unique strengths such as advanced integrations, comprehensive time-tracking, proactive alerts, and stringent security. Companies must weigh the advantages of both open-source and proprietary systems to determine the best fit for their operations.

Read time: 5 minutes

Table of Contents:

  • What Is Open Source Employee Monitoring Software?
  • The Ultimate Open Source Employee Monitoring List
  • Beyond Open Source: Insightful's Employee Monitoring Solution

With the rise of remote work, gig economies, and digital nomads, companies find it increasingly crucial to invest in efficient employee monitoring tools. 

But with the vast array of available options, which one should you choose? 

Are you looking for the cost-effective, customizable advantages of open-source software? Look no further! Here's a deep dive into the best open-source employee monitoring tools available today.

What Is Open Source Employee Monitoring Software?

Open-source employee monitoring software  refers to software solutions designed to track, analyze, and report on employee activities during work hours, but with a distinct characteristic: the software's source code is openly available and can be modified or enhanced by anyone. 

This contrasts with proprietary software, where the source code is not shared with the public and can only be modified by the owner. Popular proprietary employee monitoring solutions might offer more polished user interfaces, customer support, and features out of the box, but open-source alternatives provide flexibility and transparency that some organizations might prioritize.

Here are some benefits of using open-source employee monitoring software:

  • Customizability: Because the source code is available, companies or individual users can tailor the software to their specific needs, adding or modifying features as required.

  • Cost-effective: Open source software is typically available for free, though some might come with optional paid versions or support. This can be cost-effective for businesses looking to deploy employee monitoring without a substantial upfront investment.

  • Community Support: Many open source projects are backed by robust communities. This means users can often turn to forums or other platforms for assistance, share ideas, or collaborate on further enhancements.

  • Transparency and Privacy: One of the concerns with employee monitoring solutions is privacy. With open-source software, organizations can review the code to ensure no malicious features or backdoors exist. This transparency can build trust among employees.

  • Integration: Some open-source monitoring solutions might offer better integrations with other open-source tools or platforms, creating a cohesive ecosystem.

While open-source employee monitoring tools have many benefits, there are other important aspects to consider when deciding which software is right for your business:

  • Updates and Maintenance: While open-source software can benefit from community contributions, there's no guarantee of regular updates or patches unless there's an active community or a dedicated team behind the project.

  • Compliance and Legal Considerations: Before implementing any employee monitoring solution, open source or not, businesses must be aware of legal and ethical considerations. Consent, data privacy regulations, and the scope of monitoring are essential factors to consider.

If you're considering using open-source computer monitoring software, it's essential to evaluate the software's capabilities, community activity, and compatibility with your organization's requirements.

The Ultimate Open Source Employee Monitoring Software List 

1. DeskTime

DeskTime, a leading figure in the world of user activity monitoring tools open source, prides itself on the meticulous monitoring of employee activity, ensuring that businesses gain an in-depth understanding of how their workforce operates on both desktop and mobile platforms.    

This tool is especially suitable for businesses of all sizes, ranging from freelancers and solo entrepreneurs who wish to maximize their productivity, to larger corporations seeking comprehensive insights into team activities and individual performance metrics.

Key Features:

  • Application Use Tracking: Understand which applications your employees are spending their time on.

  • Online Data Monitoring: Get insights into real-time employee activity.

  • Offline Time Tracking: Monitor productivity even when employees are not online.

  • Integration: Seamlessly works with popular tools like JIRA, Zapier, Trello, and Asana.

DeskTime offers a free version for a single user. Premium plans start from $7 per user per month.

2. ScreenshotMonitor

For those who believe that a picture speaks a thousand words, ScreenshotMonitor delivers an encompassing solution by marrying the art of visual data with the precision of time tracking. 

This tool is especially tailored for managers, team leads, and businesses who value visual evidence of work in tandem with traditional time tracking metrics, providing an enhanced layer of transparency and accountability in remote or office-based working scenarios.

Key Features:

  • Screenshot Taking: Regular intervals of screenshots help ensure transparency in employee activities.

  • Activity and App Monitoring: Detailed logs of applications used and websites visited.

  • Archive Functionality: Store screenshots for future reference or evaluation.

A free version is available with premium plans beginning at $9 per user per month.

3. MangoApps

Redefining the digital workspace, MangoApps seamlessly integrates a sophisticated workplace solution with superior monitoring functionalities. This platform is especially apt for modern businesses and teams that are aiming for a blend of collaboration tools and insightful employee monitoring within a unified digital environment.

Key Features:

  • Customizable Tracking Module: Tailor-make your tracking approach using diverse templates.

  • User Login Activity Module: Monitor logins to ensure security and assess work patterns.

  • Advanced Productivity Analytics: Dive deep into analytics with employee profiles and graphs.

  • Integration: Seamless connection with Dropbox, MailChimp, and Twitter.

MangoApps employs a quote-based pricing system.

4. Simple In/Out

At the crossroads of versatility and innovation, Simple In/Out emerges as an all-encompassing tool, adaptable across a range of platforms from desktops and mobiles to web browsers and even televisions. 

This is an optimal choice for businesses desiring a multi-platform approach, especially those in industries like hospitality, where real-time status displays can greatly enhance user experience and operational efficiency.

Key Features:

  • FrontDesk Application: A unique feature that showcases company status on a tablet – a game-changer for the hospitality industry.

  • Modernized TimeClock: Out with old punch cards and in with barcodes and badges.

Plans start at $9.99 per month for 10 users.

5. Factorial

Tailored predominantly for the unique dynamics of small businesses, Factorial shines with its HR-driven perspective on employee tracking. By focusing on the myriad aspects of human resources, it not only ensures productivity but also fosters a nurturing environment for employees, streamlining processes from recruitment to training.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive HR Solutions: Everything from onboarding to talent acquisition and training management.

  • Entrance App: Employees can clock in using QR codes, streamlining the login process.

  • Geolocalization: Track the real-time location of employees during work hours.

Prices start from $4 per employee per month.

6. StaffCop Enterprise

For organizations where security stands paramount and the threat from within is as critical as the external landscape, StaffCop Enterprise emerges as a tailored solution. With a concentrated focus on mitigating insider threats, this tool provides a blend of deep surveillance with proactive alerts, ensuring a safety net against potentially harmful activities.

Key Features:

  • Behavior Analytics: Identify potential insider threats through unusual behavior patterns.

  • Data Loss Prevention: Proactive alerts based on behavior anomalies.

  • Remote Employee Tracking: A one-stop solution for monitoring remote employees' activities and controlling their desktops.

Pricing begins at $35 per month.

7. Clockify

Embracing the ethos of open-source, Clockify emerges as an economical solution that doesn't compromise on flexibility. With a design geared towards businesses that prefer a non-intrusive monitoring approach, it masterfully blends timesheet tracking, employee scheduling, and task management into one comprehensive platform.

Key Features:

  • Timesheets and Scheduling: Enables efficient time tracking and employee scheduling.

  • Task Management: Assign, track, and manage tasks seamlessly.

  • Customizability: Being open-source, you can tailor Clockify to fit your specific requirements.

Pricing begins at $3.99  a month. 

Beyond Open Source: Insightful's Employee Monitoring Solution

While we've explored the many benefits and offerings of open-source employee monitoring tools, it's worth noting that there are proprietary solutions that bring their unique strengths to the table. One such solution that has been garnering attention in the realm of employee monitoring is Insightful.

While open-source tools offer flexibility and adaptability, proprietary solutions like Insightful employee monitoring and time tracking software often come with their advantages, such as dedicated customer support, regular feature updates, and often, more polished user interfaces. Moreover, they might offer specialized functionalities tailored to address specific business challenges that open-source solutions might not cover comprehensively.

Let's delve deeper into what sets Insightful's employee monitoring software apart from the rest.

  • Advanced Integrations: Unlike many open-source solutions, Insightful's beta Integration feature collaborates seamlessly with top-tier project management tools like Jira and Basecamp, streamlining workflows.

  • Enhanced Time-Tracking & Productivity Insights: More than just logging hours, Insightful offers deep dives into performance, collaboration, and more, arming managers with a holistic view of productivity.

  • Proactive Alert Systems: The Insightful Alerts tool is not just about passive tracking; it actively provides real-time notifications on attendance and potential security threats, ensuring prompt organizational responses.

  • Always Active Features: Beyond basic tracking, Insightful detects when microphones, cameras, or computers are actively in use, ensuring real-time monitoring of engagement.

  • Robust Security Measures: Transparency is a strength of open-source tools, but Insightful guarantees top-tier security with role-based access controls and stringent encryption, ensuring your data remains confidential.

  • Office vs. Remote Productivity Analysis: As remote work becomes increasingly prevalent, Insightful's detailed analytics on productivity based on work location assists businesses in crafting optimal work structures.

While open-source tools provide customization freedom and cost benefits, proprietary solutions like Insightful marry advanced features, user-centric design, and dedicated support. As you map out your monitoring strategy, consider the unique offerings of both realms to identify which aligns best with your organizational aspirations.