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Bojana Djordjevic

Business ManagementA Checklist to Filter Out Unnecessary Team Meetings (To Make Your Team More Productive)
June 2, 2021

A Checklist to Filter Out Unnecessary Team Meetings (To Make Your Team More Productive)

Unnecessary meetings take up time, resources, and money, especially for enterprise teams. Learn how to reduce meetings in this article, such as using an employee productivity tracking application.

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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Productivity and Efficiency Improvements5 Ways to Apply the 80/20 Rule for Tracking Employee Productivity
September 16, 2021

5 Ways to Apply the 80/20 Rule for Tracking Employee Productivity

From pea pods to office pods, the Pareto principle can help you optimize productivity. Here’s how you can apply it today and see immediate results.

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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Productivity and Efficiency Improvements4 Morning Routines You Should Embrace to Increase Productivity
May 20, 2020

4 Morning Routines You Should Embrace to Increase Productivity

A great morning routine leads to a productive day!

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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Productivity and Efficiency ImprovementsGreat Email Apps to Put You out of the Misery
October 1, 2019

Great Email Apps to Put You out of the Misery

Avoid mailbox clutter with these apps.

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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Productivity and Efficiency ImprovementsWhat’s Your Office Distraction Today?
June 5, 2020

What’s Your Office Distraction Today?

Why are you loosing focus?

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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‍Insightful News and UpdatesWe're Accepting Guest Posts!
June 7, 2019

We're Accepting Guest Posts!

Before you submit, please review these requirements and guidelines to make sure you guest post fits Insightful’s needs.

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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Employee MonitoringComputer Tracking Software: A Blessing or a Curse
August 27, 2019

Computer Tracking Software: A Blessing or a Curse

Computer tracking software can be a blessing and a curse, and it all depends on the way you're using it. So, what's it going to be?

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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Employee Monitoring26 Best Employee Monitoring and Time Tracking Tools for 2019
May 22, 2019

26 Best Employee Monitoring and Time Tracking Tools for 2019

Check it out and select the best one!

Bojana Djordjevic
Bojana Djordjevic
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