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Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
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Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
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Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

In the evolving landscape of the modern workplace, the Panama schedule is emerging as an alternative to traditional work schedules. Named after the system used by the Panama Canal workers, the Panama schedule is typically characterized by longer workdays followed by multiple days off. 

A common example of the Panama schedule is a work pattern where employees work for 12 hours a day for four consecutive days, followed by four days off. In this dynamic, workers cover every hour of the day, every day of the week, while still having regular time off for rest and personal activities. 

As remote work becomes more prevalent, tools for remote work with features for productivity monitoring and attendance tracking become increasingly important as well. 

In this comprehensive guide, explore the potential of the Panama schedule in optimizing productivity and enhancing work-life balance, and learn how Insightful's employee monitoring software can assist in this transition while ensuring efficient tracking of productivity, attendance, and internet activity.

A Day in the Life of the Panama Schedule

To truly grasp the impact of the Panama schedule, let's journey through a day in the life of a tech company that uses the Panama schedule. As the sun rises, so do the employees scheduled for the day. By the time the city stirs to life, they're already deeply engrossed in their work. The extended work hours mean they have a larger block of time to delve into complex coding tasks without interruption.

At midday, teams break for a leisurely lunch, with time to recharge and socialize. The afternoon resumes with team meetings scheduled, leaving the morning open for individual tasks that require deeper concentration. As the sun sets, so does the pace in the office. It's been a long day, but the employees head home knowing they have a few days off ahead to rest and recharge.

On their days off, employees enjoy uninterrupted personal time, for hobbies, family, or personal growth activities. The time off isn't just spent recuperating but also living a fuller life outside work, resulting in employees who return rejuvenated and motivated for their next shift.

The Benefits of the Panama Schedule: An Attractive Alternative

After implementing the schedule, companies have reported a significant boost in productivity due to longer uninterrupted work periods, which facilitated focus and enhanced task completion rates.

In addition to improved productivity, companies also noted lower operating costs. With fewer shift changes, there were fewer inefficiencies and potential errors that can occur during handovers, leading to more streamlined operations.

But it's not just the company that benefits; employees appreciate the extended rest periods that the Panama schedule provides. The extra days off allowed them to enjoy longer weekends, manage personal commitments, and come back to work rejuvenated, fostering a healthier work-life balance.

Potential Downsides: The Flip Side of the Coin

Although the benefits are compelling, the Panama schedule does come with challenges. Extended shifts can lead to employee fatigue, which might affect the quality of work and safety, especially in physically demanding or high-risk industries.

Moreover, not all employees may find the irregular work pattern suitable. It might clash with their personal schedules or simply not align with their working style, leading to decreased job satisfaction and potential attrition. Consequently, adopting the Panama schedule requires careful consideration of its potential impacts on the workforce.

Deciphering Suitability: Is the Panama Schedule Right for Your Business?

There lies great potential in the Panama schedule for many businesses, but it's not a universally applicable model. Whether it will work for your business depends on the nature of your industry, specific business needs, and the preferences of your workforce.

When contemplating a shift to the Panama schedule, consider the following:

Does the nature of your business accommodate extended work shifts? 

Certain industries might not be well suited to longer work days, especially those involving high levels of physical exertion or requiring continuous attention to detail.

Is your business operational 24/7? 

The Panama schedule is especially beneficial for businesses that need to operate around the clock, such as manufacturing or customer service, as it can provide continuous coverage without overtime expenses.

How will the longer work shifts impact employee fatigue and productivity? 

It's crucial to consider whether your employees can maintain productivity and focus during the longer work shifts, or if they're likely to become fatigued, leading to decreased productivity or even safety issues.

Will the schedule align with the needs and preferences of your employees? 

Employee acceptance is critical when introducing a new work schedule. You need to consider whether the extended work days and extended time off will be viewed as a benefit by your employees.

Do you have the necessary tools to manage and monitor the impact of the transition? 

The ability to track productivity and employee well-being is critical when implementing a new work schedule. Tools like Insightful's employee monitoring software can help manage and monitor these factors.

Are you prepared to commit to continuous evaluation and adjustment? 

Implementing a Panama schedule isn't a one-time change; it requires continuous monitoring, feedback, and potential adjustments to ensure it remains effective and beneficial for your organization.

What impact will the schedule have on communication and collaboration? 

The Panama schedule could potentially disrupt team dynamics, with team members off work on different days. It's essential to consider how this might impact communication and collaboration and develop strategies to mitigate any potential issues.

These questions should provide a strong starting point to assess whether the Panama schedule could be a suitable choice for your business. It's crucial to engage in a thorough evaluation process and consider seeking input from employees to ensure a successful transition, should you decide to move forward with the Panama schedule.

Feedback and Continuous Improvements: Adapting the Panama Schedule

The software development company recognizes that adopting the Panama schedule isn't a 'set-it-and-forget-it' process. Feedback loops are essential for understanding the effect of this change on employees. They ensure open lines of communication through regular check-ins and surveys, allowing employees to share their experiences, insights, and suggestions. 

This open dialogue allows the company to make necessary adjustments to the system, ensuring it continues to serve the best interest of both the organization and the employees.

This feedback process isn't just about rectifying potential issues; it's also about celebrating the success of the Panama schedule. Employees share their stories of improved work-life balance, increased productivity, and overall job satisfaction, which motivates others and fosters a positive view of the work schedule.

How Insightful's Employee Software Ensures a Smooth Transition


Insightful's employee software is a critical asset in guiding feedback and improving processes in your workspace. 

 Can you monitor internet activity and productivity with Insightful?

Yes. In fact, Insightful is designed with features that demonstrate how to track employee computer activity, it assists in keeping a tab on productivity, tracing key metrics, identifying trends, and making data-backed decisions pertinent to your Panama schedule practices.

Insightful provides a broader understanding of your employees' wellbeing. Its comprehensive collection of features allows you to observe employee engagement, giving a detailed overview of how your team is adjusting to the new schedule.

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Business Management

Revolutionizing Work-Life Balance: The Panama Schedule as a Game-Changer

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
May 18, 2023

In the evolving landscape of the modern workplace, the Panama schedule is emerging as an alternative to traditional work schedules. Named after the system used by the Panama Canal workers, the Panama schedule is typically characterized by longer workdays followed by multiple days off. 

A common example of the Panama schedule is a work pattern where employees work for 12 hours a day for four consecutive days, followed by four days off. In this dynamic, workers cover every hour of the day, every day of the week, while still having regular time off for rest and personal activities. 

As remote work becomes more prevalent, tools for remote work with features for productivity monitoring and attendance tracking become increasingly important as well. 

In this comprehensive guide, explore the potential of the Panama schedule in optimizing productivity and enhancing work-life balance, and learn how Insightful's employee monitoring software can assist in this transition while ensuring efficient tracking of productivity, attendance, and internet activity.

A Day in the Life of the Panama Schedule

To truly grasp the impact of the Panama schedule, let's journey through a day in the life of a tech company that uses the Panama schedule. As the sun rises, so do the employees scheduled for the day. By the time the city stirs to life, they're already deeply engrossed in their work. The extended work hours mean they have a larger block of time to delve into complex coding tasks without interruption.

At midday, teams break for a leisurely lunch, with time to recharge and socialize. The afternoon resumes with team meetings scheduled, leaving the morning open for individual tasks that require deeper concentration. As the sun sets, so does the pace in the office. It's been a long day, but the employees head home knowing they have a few days off ahead to rest and recharge.

On their days off, employees enjoy uninterrupted personal time, for hobbies, family, or personal growth activities. The time off isn't just spent recuperating but also living a fuller life outside work, resulting in employees who return rejuvenated and motivated for their next shift.

The Benefits of the Panama Schedule: An Attractive Alternative

After implementing the schedule, companies have reported a significant boost in productivity due to longer uninterrupted work periods, which facilitated focus and enhanced task completion rates.

In addition to improved productivity, companies also noted lower operating costs. With fewer shift changes, there were fewer inefficiencies and potential errors that can occur during handovers, leading to more streamlined operations.

But it's not just the company that benefits; employees appreciate the extended rest periods that the Panama schedule provides. The extra days off allowed them to enjoy longer weekends, manage personal commitments, and come back to work rejuvenated, fostering a healthier work-life balance.

Potential Downsides: The Flip Side of the Coin

Although the benefits are compelling, the Panama schedule does come with challenges. Extended shifts can lead to employee fatigue, which might affect the quality of work and safety, especially in physically demanding or high-risk industries.

Moreover, not all employees may find the irregular work pattern suitable. It might clash with their personal schedules or simply not align with their working style, leading to decreased job satisfaction and potential attrition. Consequently, adopting the Panama schedule requires careful consideration of its potential impacts on the workforce.

Deciphering Suitability: Is the Panama Schedule Right for Your Business?

There lies great potential in the Panama schedule for many businesses, but it's not a universally applicable model. Whether it will work for your business depends on the nature of your industry, specific business needs, and the preferences of your workforce.

When contemplating a shift to the Panama schedule, consider the following:

Does the nature of your business accommodate extended work shifts? 

Certain industries might not be well suited to longer work days, especially those involving high levels of physical exertion or requiring continuous attention to detail.

Is your business operational 24/7? 

The Panama schedule is especially beneficial for businesses that need to operate around the clock, such as manufacturing or customer service, as it can provide continuous coverage without overtime expenses.

How will the longer work shifts impact employee fatigue and productivity? 

It's crucial to consider whether your employees can maintain productivity and focus during the longer work shifts, or if they're likely to become fatigued, leading to decreased productivity or even safety issues.

Will the schedule align with the needs and preferences of your employees? 

Employee acceptance is critical when introducing a new work schedule. You need to consider whether the extended work days and extended time off will be viewed as a benefit by your employees.

Do you have the necessary tools to manage and monitor the impact of the transition? 

The ability to track productivity and employee well-being is critical when implementing a new work schedule. Tools like Insightful's employee monitoring software can help manage and monitor these factors.

Are you prepared to commit to continuous evaluation and adjustment? 

Implementing a Panama schedule isn't a one-time change; it requires continuous monitoring, feedback, and potential adjustments to ensure it remains effective and beneficial for your organization.

What impact will the schedule have on communication and collaboration? 

The Panama schedule could potentially disrupt team dynamics, with team members off work on different days. It's essential to consider how this might impact communication and collaboration and develop strategies to mitigate any potential issues.

These questions should provide a strong starting point to assess whether the Panama schedule could be a suitable choice for your business. It's crucial to engage in a thorough evaluation process and consider seeking input from employees to ensure a successful transition, should you decide to move forward with the Panama schedule.

Feedback and Continuous Improvements: Adapting the Panama Schedule

The software development company recognizes that adopting the Panama schedule isn't a 'set-it-and-forget-it' process. Feedback loops are essential for understanding the effect of this change on employees. They ensure open lines of communication through regular check-ins and surveys, allowing employees to share their experiences, insights, and suggestions. 

This open dialogue allows the company to make necessary adjustments to the system, ensuring it continues to serve the best interest of both the organization and the employees.

This feedback process isn't just about rectifying potential issues; it's also about celebrating the success of the Panama schedule. Employees share their stories of improved work-life balance, increased productivity, and overall job satisfaction, which motivates others and fosters a positive view of the work schedule.

How Insightful's Employee Software Ensures a Smooth Transition


Insightful's employee software is a critical asset in guiding feedback and improving processes in your workspace. 

 Can you monitor internet activity and productivity with Insightful?

Yes. In fact, Insightful is designed with features that demonstrate how to track employee computer activity, it assists in keeping a tab on productivity, tracing key metrics, identifying trends, and making data-backed decisions pertinent to your Panama schedule practices.

Insightful provides a broader understanding of your employees' wellbeing. Its comprehensive collection of features allows you to observe employee engagement, giving a detailed overview of how your team is adjusting to the new schedule.