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Time Trackingtime clock app
August 14, 2019

The Fine Art of Tracking Overtime: How Not to Underpay or Overpay Your Employees

Nobody likes overtime. Even just tracking it can turn out to be a tall order, especially with flexible office hours. But despair not, because there’s a solution - time clock app! Read on to find out how to use the data and features it offers for accurate overtime tracking.

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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Time Trackingtime tracker
August 14, 2019

How Time Tracker Can Make You Better at Predicting the Future

Foresight is a must-have quality for top managers, but you don’t have to exhibit it only through big industry-changing decisions. Small predictions are just as important for running a business successfully and we’ll show you how a humble time tracker can help you with this!

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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Time Trackingtime management tools
August 13, 2019

Measuring Task Duration with Time Management Tools: Why Bother?

If you can measure it, you can improve it, right? In today’s article, we’ll show you how measuring task and project duration with time management tools can help your business be more effective. Let’s dive in!

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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Productivity and Efficiency Improvementswork tracker
August 7, 2019

7 Reasons Why You Should Make Work Tracker a Part of Your Digital Workplace Toolbox

Managing a remote workforce can be tough, but there are many digital tools that can help make your job easier. Here are seven reasons why work tracker should be one of them!

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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Productivity and Efficiency Improvementsemployee time tracking
August 7, 2019

Could Breaks Be the Answer to Increased Productivity?

In an effort to increase workplace productivity, could the answer be hiding in breaks? Let’s see why this isn’t such a crazy idea and how to use employee time tracking to time breaks perfectly!

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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Remote Work Managementpc monitoring software
August 6, 2019

Where Does Remote Work Thrive and How Can PC Monitoring Software Help It Thrive Almost Everywhere?

Remote work is becoming more and more popular. What industries and organizational structures are adopting it most readily? And how can you use PC monitoring software to make it happen for you? Let’s find out!

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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Employee Monitoringcomputer monitoring software
August 5, 2019

What to Do with Slackers? Discovering Performance Issues with Computer Monitoring Software

Is your office swarming with slackers? The best way to find out is to use computer monitoring software. Let’s learn how to discover different kinds of productivity issues and what to do about them.

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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Time Trackingtime tracking software
August 2, 2019

Deadlines - a Friend or an Enemy?

Deadlines - the constant source of stress and panic among employees. But are they really that bad? Today we’re exploring how deadlines can cause problems, how they can actually be good for productivity and how to use time tracking software to ensure the latter case.

Kristina Valjarevic
Kristina Valjarevic
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