Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Key Takeaways: 

  • The Medium Method helps you efficiently manage daily tasks while keeping long-term goals in focus.
  • By separating tasks into daily and medium-term lists, you can reduce overwhelm, prioritize effectively, and maintain consistent progress on important projects.
  • The Medium Method is versatile and can be tailored to fit various workflows, making it ideal for professionals, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and teams with diverse responsibilities.
  • Leveraging Insightful’s employee tracking app with the Medium Method provides detailed time tracking and actionable insights, optimizing workload distribution, enhancing productivity, and offering transparency for remote and hybrid teams. 

Read time: 10 minutes

Ever feel like your to-do list is out to get you? Like you’re drowning in tasks with no end in sight? 

We’ve all been there. The Medium Method might be just what you need. 

This time management hack helps you juggle daily tasks while still keeping an eye on your big goals. It's all about finding that sweet spot between getting stuff done today and making sure you’re on track for tomorrow.


In this guide, we’ll break down how the Medium Method works, who it’s perfect for, and how you can start using it to crush your to-do list and actually make progress on those long-term plans. In addition, learn how Insightful’s time tracker for employees can help you maximize your teams time and boost operational efficiency.

What is the Medium Method?

So, what’s the deal with the Medium Method? It’s pretty straightforward. This method is all about using two to-do lists: one for your daily goals and one for your medium-term goals. The idea is to keep your immediate tasks in check while also making sure you don’t lose sight of your bigger objectives.

Your daily goals list is where you jot down the stuff that needs to get done today—think of it as your daily grind. These are your must-do tasks, errands, and short-term projects.

Then there’s your medium-term goals list. This is where you put those tasks that aren’t urgent today but are crucial for your long-term success. These could be career milestones, personal development goals, or major projects that span weeks or months.

The brains behind this method recognized a common problem: people either get bogged down by their daily grind and forget their bigger goals, or they focus so much on the future that they neglect what needs to be done today. The Medium Method was born out of a need for a structured yet flexible approach that caters to both.

By working with both lists, you can stay on top of your daily responsibilities without letting your long-term goals slip through the cracks. This dual-focus approach helps you maintain a balance between getting through today and planning for the future.

What Are the Benefits of Using the Medium Method? 

  • Balanced Prioritization: Helps you avoid the common trap of letting urgent tasks overshadow important but not urgent goals. With two lists, you can give attention to both, ensuring a balanced approach to your productivity.

  • Improved Task Management: By clearly separating daily and medium-term tasks, you simplify the process of managing your workload. It’s easier to see what needs immediate attention and what can be planned out over time.
  • Consistent Progress: Regularly reviewing and updating both lists means you’re consistently making strides toward your goals. No more starting big projects only to let them fizzle out because you got swamped with daily tasks.

  • Flexibility & Adaptability: The Medium Method isn’t rigid. You can adjust your lists as priorities shift and new tasks come up, making it a flexible tool that grows with your needs.
  • Reduced Overwhelm: Breaking your tasks into daily and medium-term categories helps reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed. It’s easier to manage smaller lists and see progress, which keeps you motivated.
  • Encourages Strategic Planning: By maintaining a focus on medium-term goals, you’re encouraged to think strategically about your future. This helps you align your daily actions with your long-term aspirations.

Who Benefits from the Medium Method?

The beauty of the Medium Method is its versatility. It’s designed to help a wide range of people, from busy professionals to students and everyone in between, but depending on your job function, it may not be the best method for you. 

Who is the Medium Method ideal for?

  • Professionals & Entrepreneurs: If you’re juggling daily tasks while trying to push your career or business forward, this method keeps you on track.

  • Freelancers & Creatives: Handling multiple short-term gigs while working on larger projects? This method helps you manage your workload and make steady progress on big goals.

  • Individuals with Varied Responsibilities: Whether you’re balancing work, family, or personal interests, this approach ensures nothing falls through the cracks.

Who is the Medium Method not ideal for?

  • Highly Specialized Roles: If your job involves repetitive, specialized tasks, you might not need a dual-list system.

  • Routine-Based Workers: If your daily tasks are predictable and repetitive, the method might feel overly complex.

  • Minimalist Time Management Preferences: If you prefer ultra-simple methods, the two-list approach might seem like overkill.

  • Time Management Beginners: If you’re new to organizing your time, you might want to start with simpler methods before diving into the Medium Method.

Coaching Employees on the Medium Method

Helping your team adopt the Medium Method can boost productivity and ensure everyone stays on track with both daily tasks and long-term goals. Here’s a guide on how you can coach your employees effectively.

  • Explanation: Start with a team meeting to introduce the Medium Method. Explain its benefits and how it can help manage workloads and long-term projects. Share guides, articles, or videos that explain the method in detail. This gives your team a solid understanding of the approach.
  • Demonstration: Walk through a real example of setting up daily and medium-term goals. Use a relatable project or task list to make it concrete. Share how you use the method in your own work to illustrate its practical benefits.
  • Identify Daily Goals: Help employees list their immediate tasks for the day. Encourage them to focus on what truly needs to be done.
  • Outline Medium-Term Goals: Guide them in identifying and documenting their medium-term objectives. These should align with their long-term career goals and the team’s overall mission.
  • Categorize Tasks: Assist them in separating these tasks into daily and medium-term lists. This helps clarify priorities and workload.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular one-on-one or team meetings to review progress, address challenges, and adjust goals as needed. This keeps everyone aligned and accountable.
  • Use Technology: Recommend or provide access to digital tools and a personnel tracking app that facilitates the Medium Method, such as Trello, Asana, or Todoist. These tools can help organize and manage their lists efficiently. Create and share templates for daily and medium-term goal lists to help employees get started quickly.

  • Encourage Flexibility: Encourage employees to adapt the method to fit their unique workflows and responsibilities. Teach them to adjust their lists as priorities change and new tasks emerge, ensuring the method remains effective and relevant.
  • Celebrate Achievements: Regularly acknowledge and celebrate both daily accomplishments and progress toward medium-term goals. This boosts morale and reinforces the value of the method. Use these celebrations to motivate the team and highlight the tangible benefits of the method.
  • Monitor & Evaluate: Monitor the progress of employees using the method through performance metrics and feedback. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the method and make necessary adjustments to the coaching approach.

Example of the Medium Method in Practice

Let's walk through a practical example of how the Medium Method works for a project manager who leads a team at a marketing agency.


  • Managing client campaigns
  • Overseeing team projects
  • Professional development
  • Long-term strategic planning

Daily Goals:

  • Schedule and attend two client meetings to discuss ongoing campaigns.
  • Conduct daily stand-up meetings with the team to review progress and address any issues.
  • Review and approve content for two client campaigns.
  • Respond to urgent emails and clear the inbox.
  • Assign tasks to team members for the day.

Medium-Term Goals:

  • Develop a new strategy for an upcoming high-profile client campaign, due in one month.
  • Complete an online course on advanced digital marketing techniques within the next two months.
  • Implement a new project management tool to streamline workflow, set for rollout in the next quarter.
  • Prepare for upcoming team performance reviews, scheduled for next month.
  • Attend two industry networking events over the next two months to build connections and learn about industry trends.

Implementing the Medium Method:

Daily Planning: Each morning, he reviews and updates his daily goals list. He ensures these tasks are prioritized and achievable within the day.

Medium-Term Planning: At the beginning of each week, he reviews his medium-term goals. He breaks these down into smaller, actionable steps that can be integrated into his daily goals as needed. For example, setting aside time each week to work on the campaign strategy or the online course.

Balancing Tasks: Throughout the day, he balances his focus between completing daily tasks and making progress on medium-term goals. For instance, after a client meeting, he might spend an hour working on the new campaign strategy or reviewing the new project management tool.

Regular Reviews: At the end of each day, he reviews what he accomplished. He checks off completed daily tasks and assesses his progress on medium-term goals. He adjusts his lists as needed to ensure alignment with his overall objectives.

Weekly Check-Ins: Every Friday, he conducts a weekly review. He assesses his progress on both daily and medium-term goals, adjusts his strategies if necessary, and plans for the upcoming week. He also ensures that his team is on track with their tasks and provides support where needed.

Addressing Common Challenges

Even with the best intentions, implementing a new time management method can come with its own set of challenges. Here’s how to tackle some common issues that might arise when adopting the Medium Method:

Challenge 1: Initial Complexity

Start small. Introduce the method gradually by first focusing on creating daily goals lists. Once your team is comfortable with this, introduce medium-term goals. Break down the adoption process into manageable steps.

Challenge 2: Resistance to Change

Clearly communicate the benefits. Show how the Medium Method can reduce stress and improve productivity. Share success stories and personal experiences to demonstrate its effectiveness.

Challenge 3: Maintaining Consistency

Set up regular check-ins and reviews. These can be weekly team meetings or individual one-on-ones to ensure everyone is staying on track. Use these sessions to adjust goals and celebrate progress.

Challenge 4: Overloading Lists

Keep lists realistic. Encourage your team to prioritize and limit the number of daily tasks to what's truly achievable. Remind them that the medium-term list is for goals that need time to be completed and should not be rushed.

Challenge 5: Integrating with Existing Workflows

Be flexible with integration. Allow your team to adapt the Medium Method to fit their current workflows. Whether it’s using a time monitoring app and other tools they’re already familiar with or tweaking the method to better suit their roles, flexibility is key.

Challenge 6: Keeping Medium-Term Goals Visible

Incorporate medium-term goals into daily planning sessions. Allocate specific times during the week to work exclusively on these goals. Use visual aids, like whiteboards or digital dashboards, to keep these goals top of mind.

Using Insightful Attendance Tracker with the Medium Method

Integrating Insightful’s app for tracking time at work with the Medium Method can significantly boost your team's productivity by providing detailed time tracking and actionable insights. Insightful is a powerful time tracking and workforce analytics tool that helps monitor employee time, analyze work habits, and provide detailed reports to optimize productivity.

By using Insightful’s work timer app to log time spent on daily tasks, you get real-time progress updates that ensure immediate priorities are always met. It also allows you to schedule dedicated time blocks for medium-term projects, keeping long-term objectives in focus and tracking progress over weeks or months.

Insightful's analytics provide visibility into workload distribution, identifying overburdened employees and helping you optimize task allocation. This data-driven approach prevents burnout and ensures maximum efficiency. Moreover, Insightful’s app tracking time helps detect inefficiencies and streamline processes, allowing your team to improve work habits and operate at peak productivity periods.

For remote and hybrid teams, Insightful offers accurate remote workers time tracking, ensuring transparency and accountability no matter where your team is located. You can compare productivity across different work environments, refining and optimizing your remote work strategies for better outcomes.

Additionally, Insightful seamlessly integrates with project management tools like Asana, Trello, or JIRA. This integration ensures that all tracked time is accounted for in your project management workflows, providing a comprehensive view of project timelines and budgets to keep everything on track and within budget.

Transform your team's productivity with Insightful and the Medium Method. Start your free trial today and experience the difference firsthand!

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Time Tracking

Master Your To-Do List with the Medium Method & Insightful

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
June 19, 2024

Key Takeaways: 

  • The Medium Method helps you efficiently manage daily tasks while keeping long-term goals in focus.
  • By separating tasks into daily and medium-term lists, you can reduce overwhelm, prioritize effectively, and maintain consistent progress on important projects.
  • The Medium Method is versatile and can be tailored to fit various workflows, making it ideal for professionals, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and teams with diverse responsibilities.
  • Leveraging Insightful’s employee tracking app with the Medium Method provides detailed time tracking and actionable insights, optimizing workload distribution, enhancing productivity, and offering transparency for remote and hybrid teams. 

Read time: 10 minutes

Ever feel like your to-do list is out to get you? Like you’re drowning in tasks with no end in sight? 

We’ve all been there. The Medium Method might be just what you need. 

This time management hack helps you juggle daily tasks while still keeping an eye on your big goals. It's all about finding that sweet spot between getting stuff done today and making sure you’re on track for tomorrow.


In this guide, we’ll break down how the Medium Method works, who it’s perfect for, and how you can start using it to crush your to-do list and actually make progress on those long-term plans. In addition, learn how Insightful’s time tracker for employees can help you maximize your teams time and boost operational efficiency.

What is the Medium Method?

So, what’s the deal with the Medium Method? It’s pretty straightforward. This method is all about using two to-do lists: one for your daily goals and one for your medium-term goals. The idea is to keep your immediate tasks in check while also making sure you don’t lose sight of your bigger objectives.

Your daily goals list is where you jot down the stuff that needs to get done today—think of it as your daily grind. These are your must-do tasks, errands, and short-term projects.

Then there’s your medium-term goals list. This is where you put those tasks that aren’t urgent today but are crucial for your long-term success. These could be career milestones, personal development goals, or major projects that span weeks or months.

The brains behind this method recognized a common problem: people either get bogged down by their daily grind and forget their bigger goals, or they focus so much on the future that they neglect what needs to be done today. The Medium Method was born out of a need for a structured yet flexible approach that caters to both.

By working with both lists, you can stay on top of your daily responsibilities without letting your long-term goals slip through the cracks. This dual-focus approach helps you maintain a balance between getting through today and planning for the future.

What Are the Benefits of Using the Medium Method? 

  • Balanced Prioritization: Helps you avoid the common trap of letting urgent tasks overshadow important but not urgent goals. With two lists, you can give attention to both, ensuring a balanced approach to your productivity.

  • Improved Task Management: By clearly separating daily and medium-term tasks, you simplify the process of managing your workload. It’s easier to see what needs immediate attention and what can be planned out over time.
  • Consistent Progress: Regularly reviewing and updating both lists means you’re consistently making strides toward your goals. No more starting big projects only to let them fizzle out because you got swamped with daily tasks.

  • Flexibility & Adaptability: The Medium Method isn’t rigid. You can adjust your lists as priorities shift and new tasks come up, making it a flexible tool that grows with your needs.
  • Reduced Overwhelm: Breaking your tasks into daily and medium-term categories helps reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed. It’s easier to manage smaller lists and see progress, which keeps you motivated.
  • Encourages Strategic Planning: By maintaining a focus on medium-term goals, you’re encouraged to think strategically about your future. This helps you align your daily actions with your long-term aspirations.

Who Benefits from the Medium Method?

The beauty of the Medium Method is its versatility. It’s designed to help a wide range of people, from busy professionals to students and everyone in between, but depending on your job function, it may not be the best method for you. 

Who is the Medium Method ideal for?

  • Professionals & Entrepreneurs: If you’re juggling daily tasks while trying to push your career or business forward, this method keeps you on track.

  • Freelancers & Creatives: Handling multiple short-term gigs while working on larger projects? This method helps you manage your workload and make steady progress on big goals.

  • Individuals with Varied Responsibilities: Whether you’re balancing work, family, or personal interests, this approach ensures nothing falls through the cracks.

Who is the Medium Method not ideal for?

  • Highly Specialized Roles: If your job involves repetitive, specialized tasks, you might not need a dual-list system.

  • Routine-Based Workers: If your daily tasks are predictable and repetitive, the method might feel overly complex.

  • Minimalist Time Management Preferences: If you prefer ultra-simple methods, the two-list approach might seem like overkill.

  • Time Management Beginners: If you’re new to organizing your time, you might want to start with simpler methods before diving into the Medium Method.

Coaching Employees on the Medium Method

Helping your team adopt the Medium Method can boost productivity and ensure everyone stays on track with both daily tasks and long-term goals. Here’s a guide on how you can coach your employees effectively.

  • Explanation: Start with a team meeting to introduce the Medium Method. Explain its benefits and how it can help manage workloads and long-term projects. Share guides, articles, or videos that explain the method in detail. This gives your team a solid understanding of the approach.
  • Demonstration: Walk through a real example of setting up daily and medium-term goals. Use a relatable project or task list to make it concrete. Share how you use the method in your own work to illustrate its practical benefits.
  • Identify Daily Goals: Help employees list their immediate tasks for the day. Encourage them to focus on what truly needs to be done.
  • Outline Medium-Term Goals: Guide them in identifying and documenting their medium-term objectives. These should align with their long-term career goals and the team’s overall mission.
  • Categorize Tasks: Assist them in separating these tasks into daily and medium-term lists. This helps clarify priorities and workload.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular one-on-one or team meetings to review progress, address challenges, and adjust goals as needed. This keeps everyone aligned and accountable.
  • Use Technology: Recommend or provide access to digital tools and a personnel tracking app that facilitates the Medium Method, such as Trello, Asana, or Todoist. These tools can help organize and manage their lists efficiently. Create and share templates for daily and medium-term goal lists to help employees get started quickly.

  • Encourage Flexibility: Encourage employees to adapt the method to fit their unique workflows and responsibilities. Teach them to adjust their lists as priorities change and new tasks emerge, ensuring the method remains effective and relevant.
  • Celebrate Achievements: Regularly acknowledge and celebrate both daily accomplishments and progress toward medium-term goals. This boosts morale and reinforces the value of the method. Use these celebrations to motivate the team and highlight the tangible benefits of the method.
  • Monitor & Evaluate: Monitor the progress of employees using the method through performance metrics and feedback. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the method and make necessary adjustments to the coaching approach.

Example of the Medium Method in Practice

Let's walk through a practical example of how the Medium Method works for a project manager who leads a team at a marketing agency.


  • Managing client campaigns
  • Overseeing team projects
  • Professional development
  • Long-term strategic planning

Daily Goals:

  • Schedule and attend two client meetings to discuss ongoing campaigns.
  • Conduct daily stand-up meetings with the team to review progress and address any issues.
  • Review and approve content for two client campaigns.
  • Respond to urgent emails and clear the inbox.
  • Assign tasks to team members for the day.

Medium-Term Goals:

  • Develop a new strategy for an upcoming high-profile client campaign, due in one month.
  • Complete an online course on advanced digital marketing techniques within the next two months.
  • Implement a new project management tool to streamline workflow, set for rollout in the next quarter.
  • Prepare for upcoming team performance reviews, scheduled for next month.
  • Attend two industry networking events over the next two months to build connections and learn about industry trends.

Implementing the Medium Method:

Daily Planning: Each morning, he reviews and updates his daily goals list. He ensures these tasks are prioritized and achievable within the day.

Medium-Term Planning: At the beginning of each week, he reviews his medium-term goals. He breaks these down into smaller, actionable steps that can be integrated into his daily goals as needed. For example, setting aside time each week to work on the campaign strategy or the online course.

Balancing Tasks: Throughout the day, he balances his focus between completing daily tasks and making progress on medium-term goals. For instance, after a client meeting, he might spend an hour working on the new campaign strategy or reviewing the new project management tool.

Regular Reviews: At the end of each day, he reviews what he accomplished. He checks off completed daily tasks and assesses his progress on medium-term goals. He adjusts his lists as needed to ensure alignment with his overall objectives.

Weekly Check-Ins: Every Friday, he conducts a weekly review. He assesses his progress on both daily and medium-term goals, adjusts his strategies if necessary, and plans for the upcoming week. He also ensures that his team is on track with their tasks and provides support where needed.

Addressing Common Challenges

Even with the best intentions, implementing a new time management method can come with its own set of challenges. Here’s how to tackle some common issues that might arise when adopting the Medium Method:

Challenge 1: Initial Complexity

Start small. Introduce the method gradually by first focusing on creating daily goals lists. Once your team is comfortable with this, introduce medium-term goals. Break down the adoption process into manageable steps.

Challenge 2: Resistance to Change

Clearly communicate the benefits. Show how the Medium Method can reduce stress and improve productivity. Share success stories and personal experiences to demonstrate its effectiveness.

Challenge 3: Maintaining Consistency

Set up regular check-ins and reviews. These can be weekly team meetings or individual one-on-ones to ensure everyone is staying on track. Use these sessions to adjust goals and celebrate progress.

Challenge 4: Overloading Lists

Keep lists realistic. Encourage your team to prioritize and limit the number of daily tasks to what's truly achievable. Remind them that the medium-term list is for goals that need time to be completed and should not be rushed.

Challenge 5: Integrating with Existing Workflows

Be flexible with integration. Allow your team to adapt the Medium Method to fit their current workflows. Whether it’s using a time monitoring app and other tools they’re already familiar with or tweaking the method to better suit their roles, flexibility is key.

Challenge 6: Keeping Medium-Term Goals Visible

Incorporate medium-term goals into daily planning sessions. Allocate specific times during the week to work exclusively on these goals. Use visual aids, like whiteboards or digital dashboards, to keep these goals top of mind.

Using Insightful Attendance Tracker with the Medium Method

Integrating Insightful’s app for tracking time at work with the Medium Method can significantly boost your team's productivity by providing detailed time tracking and actionable insights. Insightful is a powerful time tracking and workforce analytics tool that helps monitor employee time, analyze work habits, and provide detailed reports to optimize productivity.

By using Insightful’s work timer app to log time spent on daily tasks, you get real-time progress updates that ensure immediate priorities are always met. It also allows you to schedule dedicated time blocks for medium-term projects, keeping long-term objectives in focus and tracking progress over weeks or months.

Insightful's analytics provide visibility into workload distribution, identifying overburdened employees and helping you optimize task allocation. This data-driven approach prevents burnout and ensures maximum efficiency. Moreover, Insightful’s app tracking time helps detect inefficiencies and streamline processes, allowing your team to improve work habits and operate at peak productivity periods.

For remote and hybrid teams, Insightful offers accurate remote workers time tracking, ensuring transparency and accountability no matter where your team is located. You can compare productivity across different work environments, refining and optimizing your remote work strategies for better outcomes.

Additionally, Insightful seamlessly integrates with project management tools like Asana, Trello, or JIRA. This integration ensures that all tracked time is accounted for in your project management workflows, providing a comprehensive view of project timelines and budgets to keep everything on track and within budget.

Transform your team's productivity with Insightful and the Medium Method. Start your free trial today and experience the difference firsthand!