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Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
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Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
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Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
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Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
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In this article we’re going to discuss: 

▶  The staggering cost of insider threats and how one mistake can destroy your business.  

▶  Why traditional security measures fall short in detecting insider threat risks and leave companies vulnerable.

▶  How to recognize insider threat types and strategies to start shielding your organization today.

▶ The specialized insider threat software that has the features you need to keep your business safe from the inside.

Is your company worried about data leak prevention? Have you noticed an uptick in suspicious internal activities?

You’re right to worry. The real cost of insider threats is alarming, and companies worldwide are rushing to implement insider alerts to make detecting insider threats a top priority. 

If you’re serious about protecting your business, or are still in the dark about the devastating impact of insider threats, this article is for you. We'll pull back the curtain on the true cost of insider threats and how you can shield your business. 

Traditional security software often falls short, so we’ll introduce you to the specialized remote monitoring software companies turn to to detect insider threats before they wreak havoc. 

The Real Price Tag of Overlooking Insider Threats

Insider threats cost businesses a whopping $16 million per incident on average

And it's not just the cost that’s rising, it's also the frequency. Organizations saw a 28% jump in insider-driven data exposure events from 2023 to 2024. Even more alarming? 71% of companies faced between 21 and 40 insider security incidents in just one year.

Here’s a closer look at the impact of insider threats on various industries:

  • Finance: Insider threats cost U.S. banks billions annually. In 2016, one incident averaged $4.3 million in losses. A UK bank almost lost $220 million to an inside job. The sector faces risks from theft, fraud, and data leaks.

  • Healthcare: Medical organizations lose more to data breaches, with insider leaks impacting twice as many records as external attacks. Patient data is highly valuable and exposed. The industry lags in cybersecurity, paying a high price.

  • Retail: The retail sector faces financial drain, inventory theft, and data breaches from within. U.S. businesses lose around 5% of revenue to internal fraud. Employees with data access are a major risk.

These industries are magnets for insiders, but the threat is just as real for any business, of any industry, of any size.

Let's face it – internal security breaches hit more than just your bottom line. They can shake your entire organization to its core. Your reputation? Once it's damaged, good luck getting it back. And let's not forget the legal headaches and compliance violations that can haunt you for years.

The message is clear: insider threats are a pervasive, costly problem. Insider threat detection is not just about protecting your data – it's about safeguarding your entire business. The question isn't if you'll face an insider threat, but when. What’s important is that you’re prepared.

Why Organizations Are Dropping the Ball on Insider Threats

You might think you have your security locked down tight, but insider threats are a different beast entirely. They're not outside hackers trying to break in - they're already in your ranks, often hiding in plain sight.

82% of organizations admit they're flying blind on insider threats
, so what’s going on?

A lack of awareness about insider threats is the first problem, meaning protecting the business from the inside is often not even on the radar. 

Limited resources leave businesses vulnerable as they prioritize other areas, leaving insider threat detection underfunded and understaffed. This can prove to be a costly misallocation, especially as remote work, cloud services, and BYOD demand more security resources. The expanding digital landscape creates many vulnerabilities and demands better remote work surveillance.

Many organizations focus only on external threats, but this software is ill-equipped for internal vulnerabilities. Without the right tools and insights, detecting insider threat activity becomes nearly impossible, making it difficult to distinguish between normal employee behavior and potentially harmful actions.

The first step is understanding the many masks that insider threats wear. 

Types of Insider Threats (Your Most Wanted List)

Preparation starts with understanding what you're up against. Let's break down the insider threat types you need to watch out for.

  • The Departing Employee: Taking more than just memories on their way out. These individuals might copy sensitive data, client lists, or trade secrets to benefit their next career move.

  • The Malicious Insider: Revenge is a dish best served digitally. Disgruntled employees might sabotage systems, leak confidential information, or create backdoors for future attacks.

  • The Accidental Threat: Good intentions, terrible outcomes. Well-meaning employees who fall for phishing scams or mishandle sensitive data can unknowingly cause significant damage.

  • The Security Maverick: Creating "shortcuts" that lead straight to breaches. These employees bypass security protocols for convenience, inadvertently opening doors for attackers.

  • The Unwitting Accomplice: Manipulated by outside forces. Social engineering tactics can turn unsuspecting employees into tools for external threats.

  • The Risky Partner: Vendors and contractors with too much access. Third-party collaborators might not adhere to your security standards, creating vulnerabilities in your network.

Now that you know what you’re up against, ready to fight back?

Your Insider Threat Defense Playbook

Here's your battle plan:

1. Know what you’re dealing with. 

Preventing insider threats starts with making sure your team knows the risks and how to protect company data. It’s worth it – engaging and memorable security training using real-world examples can slash breach costs by $232,867 on average.

Here’s how you can get everyone on board:

  • Break Down Insider Threats: Explain the different types of threats — whether it’s someone being careless, malicious, or just making a mistake. Share real examples to drive home how damaging these can be.

  • Teach Them to Spot the Signs: Help your team recognize red flags like unusual requests for access, colleagues trying to bypass security, or sudden changes in someone’s behavior.

  • Focus on Data Security Basics: Make sure everyone’s up to speed on things like using strong passwords, limiting who can access sensitive data, and sticking to the security rules.

2. Lock down your data.

Keeping your data secure starts with managing who has access to it. Here’s how you can make sure your systems stay protected:

  • Set Clear Access Controls: Only give employees access to what they absolutely need. This limits the chances of sensitive data being mishandled or exposed.

  • Protect Critical Systems: For industries like finance, trading systems need extra protection. In healthcare, patient data should be accessible only to authorized medical staff. Keeping access limited reduces the risk of breaches.

  • Follow the "Least Privilege" Principle: The less access people have, the fewer opportunities for accidental or intentional leaks. This isn't about mistrust—it's about being smart with your security.

3. Practice makes perfect.

Regular practice is key to preventing insider threats, and it's more than just checking a box. Here’s how to run effective drills:

  • Simulate Insider Threat Scenarios: Create real-world scenarios that mimic potential insider threats, like unauthorized data access, leaks, or unusual behavior from employees. This helps your team recognize the subtle signs of insider threats before they escalate. For example, simulate an employee trying to access restricted files or misuse their credentials.

  • Test Response Protocols: Walk your team through detailed response plans during these exercises. Make sure they know how to report suspicious activity, secure affected systems, and collaborate with security teams. The goal is to ensure quick, coordinated action if a real insider threat occurs. Clear communication and fast responses are key to minimizing damage.

  • Run Regular Phishing & Social Engineering Tests: Since insider threats can also come from compromised accounts, include phishing simulations or social engineering tests in your drills. This helps employees spot phishing attempts and avoid becoming an accidental insider threat.

  • Keep Awareness & Skills Fresh: These exercises aren’t just tests—they're learning experiences. Each drill reinforces awareness and sharpens your team’s ability to respond effectively. Regular practice keeps insider threat detection front of mind and ensures employees don’t become complacent.

4. Use specialized insider threat detection tools.

Companies are taking longer to contain insider threats – up from 77 days in 2021 to 85 days in 2022. Everyday passing day that the threat is not contained the potential damage worsens. That’s why it's important to never get to that point. 

How? With specialized insider threat software like Insightful. 

Traditional security software struggles to catch insider threats because it focuses on external attacks and lacks the ability to monitor trusted users' actions effectively. 

By monitoring employee internet usage and behavior, Insightful can detect and alert you in real time to suspicious activity like unauthorized data access, so you can act immediately. These alerts are customizable, so you can set up your own security tripwires tailored to your unique environment.

Are your teams hybrid or remote? These setups can be more vulnerable without the right software to close the security gaps. Insightful’s remote system monitoring software is suitable for any environment, whether in-office, remote, or anywhere in between.

If you already suspect insider threat activity may be happening in your organization, stealth monitoring software allows you to monitor user activity silently - making it easier to catch potentially malicious threats. 

In the event a breach does occur, Insightful’s detailed logs provide forensic data you can use for investigation purposes. These insights give you a leg up on how to strengthen your security posture in the future and ensure it never happens again. 

Want to see it in action? Find out how global BPO company Outstaffer uses Insightful to secure and manage their devices virtually with 24/7 monitoring to keep their clients' data secure.

5. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

Your incident response plan should be ready to go when insider threats arise. By keeping everyone aligned and prepared, you’re not just reacting to threats—you’re building a proactive, security-focused environment across the organization.

Here’s how to make sure it’s effective:

  • Develop & Document Your Plan: Create a detailed incident response plan that clearly outlines the steps to take if an insider threat happens. Document it thoroughly so everyone has access to it.

  • Assign Clear Roles: Make sure each team member knows exactly what their responsibility is during an insider threat incident. When something goes wrong, you want a team that can spring into action without hesitation or confusion.

  • Regularly Update the Plan: Threats evolve, so should your plan. Review and update it regularly to ensure it addresses new risks and technologies. This keeps your team sharp and your defenses strong.

  • Make It a Continuous Effort: This isn’t a one-time setup. Treat your incident response plan as a living document that grows with your organization. Staying vigilant and prepared turns your plan into a part of your company’s security culture.

The Choice Is Yours

Remember, your team can be your strongest defense or your biggest vulnerability. By creating a culture of security awareness and leveraging cutting-edge technology – you're securing your company's future.

Ready to transform your insider threat defense? Start your 7-day free trial of Insightful’s virtual employee monitoring software and see the difference for yourself. 

We’ve reserved a 7-day free trial for you….

Want your hybrid or remote team to be more productive?

Claim your free 7-Day full feature trial of Insightful today. Insightful’s actionable work insights make your team more productive, efficient and accountable.

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Employee Monitoring

The $16 Million Mole: The Real Cost of Insider Threats

Written by
Dora Ordanić
Published on
September 19, 2024

In this article we’re going to discuss: 

▶  The staggering cost of insider threats and how one mistake can destroy your business.  

▶  Why traditional security measures fall short in detecting insider threat risks and leave companies vulnerable.

▶  How to recognize insider threat types and strategies to start shielding your organization today.

▶ The specialized insider threat software that has the features you need to keep your business safe from the inside.

Is your company worried about data leak prevention? Have you noticed an uptick in suspicious internal activities?

You’re right to worry. The real cost of insider threats is alarming, and companies worldwide are rushing to implement insider alerts to make detecting insider threats a top priority. 

If you’re serious about protecting your business, or are still in the dark about the devastating impact of insider threats, this article is for you. We'll pull back the curtain on the true cost of insider threats and how you can shield your business. 

Traditional security software often falls short, so we’ll introduce you to the specialized remote monitoring software companies turn to to detect insider threats before they wreak havoc. 

The Real Price Tag of Overlooking Insider Threats

Insider threats cost businesses a whopping $16 million per incident on average

And it's not just the cost that’s rising, it's also the frequency. Organizations saw a 28% jump in insider-driven data exposure events from 2023 to 2024. Even more alarming? 71% of companies faced between 21 and 40 insider security incidents in just one year.

Here’s a closer look at the impact of insider threats on various industries:

  • Finance: Insider threats cost U.S. banks billions annually. In 2016, one incident averaged $4.3 million in losses. A UK bank almost lost $220 million to an inside job. The sector faces risks from theft, fraud, and data leaks.

  • Healthcare: Medical organizations lose more to data breaches, with insider leaks impacting twice as many records as external attacks. Patient data is highly valuable and exposed. The industry lags in cybersecurity, paying a high price.

  • Retail: The retail sector faces financial drain, inventory theft, and data breaches from within. U.S. businesses lose around 5% of revenue to internal fraud. Employees with data access are a major risk.

These industries are magnets for insiders, but the threat is just as real for any business, of any industry, of any size.

Let's face it – internal security breaches hit more than just your bottom line. They can shake your entire organization to its core. Your reputation? Once it's damaged, good luck getting it back. And let's not forget the legal headaches and compliance violations that can haunt you for years.

The message is clear: insider threats are a pervasive, costly problem. Insider threat detection is not just about protecting your data – it's about safeguarding your entire business. The question isn't if you'll face an insider threat, but when. What’s important is that you’re prepared.

Why Organizations Are Dropping the Ball on Insider Threats

You might think you have your security locked down tight, but insider threats are a different beast entirely. They're not outside hackers trying to break in - they're already in your ranks, often hiding in plain sight.

82% of organizations admit they're flying blind on insider threats
, so what’s going on?

A lack of awareness about insider threats is the first problem, meaning protecting the business from the inside is often not even on the radar. 

Limited resources leave businesses vulnerable as they prioritize other areas, leaving insider threat detection underfunded and understaffed. This can prove to be a costly misallocation, especially as remote work, cloud services, and BYOD demand more security resources. The expanding digital landscape creates many vulnerabilities and demands better remote work surveillance.

Many organizations focus only on external threats, but this software is ill-equipped for internal vulnerabilities. Without the right tools and insights, detecting insider threat activity becomes nearly impossible, making it difficult to distinguish between normal employee behavior and potentially harmful actions.

The first step is understanding the many masks that insider threats wear. 

Types of Insider Threats (Your Most Wanted List)

Preparation starts with understanding what you're up against. Let's break down the insider threat types you need to watch out for.

  • The Departing Employee: Taking more than just memories on their way out. These individuals might copy sensitive data, client lists, or trade secrets to benefit their next career move.

  • The Malicious Insider: Revenge is a dish best served digitally. Disgruntled employees might sabotage systems, leak confidential information, or create backdoors for future attacks.

  • The Accidental Threat: Good intentions, terrible outcomes. Well-meaning employees who fall for phishing scams or mishandle sensitive data can unknowingly cause significant damage.

  • The Security Maverick: Creating "shortcuts" that lead straight to breaches. These employees bypass security protocols for convenience, inadvertently opening doors for attackers.

  • The Unwitting Accomplice: Manipulated by outside forces. Social engineering tactics can turn unsuspecting employees into tools for external threats.

  • The Risky Partner: Vendors and contractors with too much access. Third-party collaborators might not adhere to your security standards, creating vulnerabilities in your network.

Now that you know what you’re up against, ready to fight back?

Your Insider Threat Defense Playbook

Here's your battle plan:

1. Know what you’re dealing with. 

Preventing insider threats starts with making sure your team knows the risks and how to protect company data. It’s worth it – engaging and memorable security training using real-world examples can slash breach costs by $232,867 on average.

Here’s how you can get everyone on board:

  • Break Down Insider Threats: Explain the different types of threats — whether it’s someone being careless, malicious, or just making a mistake. Share real examples to drive home how damaging these can be.

  • Teach Them to Spot the Signs: Help your team recognize red flags like unusual requests for access, colleagues trying to bypass security, or sudden changes in someone’s behavior.

  • Focus on Data Security Basics: Make sure everyone’s up to speed on things like using strong passwords, limiting who can access sensitive data, and sticking to the security rules.

2. Lock down your data.

Keeping your data secure starts with managing who has access to it. Here’s how you can make sure your systems stay protected:

  • Set Clear Access Controls: Only give employees access to what they absolutely need. This limits the chances of sensitive data being mishandled or exposed.

  • Protect Critical Systems: For industries like finance, trading systems need extra protection. In healthcare, patient data should be accessible only to authorized medical staff. Keeping access limited reduces the risk of breaches.

  • Follow the "Least Privilege" Principle: The less access people have, the fewer opportunities for accidental or intentional leaks. This isn't about mistrust—it's about being smart with your security.

3. Practice makes perfect.

Regular practice is key to preventing insider threats, and it's more than just checking a box. Here’s how to run effective drills:

  • Simulate Insider Threat Scenarios: Create real-world scenarios that mimic potential insider threats, like unauthorized data access, leaks, or unusual behavior from employees. This helps your team recognize the subtle signs of insider threats before they escalate. For example, simulate an employee trying to access restricted files or misuse their credentials.

  • Test Response Protocols: Walk your team through detailed response plans during these exercises. Make sure they know how to report suspicious activity, secure affected systems, and collaborate with security teams. The goal is to ensure quick, coordinated action if a real insider threat occurs. Clear communication and fast responses are key to minimizing damage.

  • Run Regular Phishing & Social Engineering Tests: Since insider threats can also come from compromised accounts, include phishing simulations or social engineering tests in your drills. This helps employees spot phishing attempts and avoid becoming an accidental insider threat.

  • Keep Awareness & Skills Fresh: These exercises aren’t just tests—they're learning experiences. Each drill reinforces awareness and sharpens your team’s ability to respond effectively. Regular practice keeps insider threat detection front of mind and ensures employees don’t become complacent.

4. Use specialized insider threat detection tools.

Companies are taking longer to contain insider threats – up from 77 days in 2021 to 85 days in 2022. Everyday passing day that the threat is not contained the potential damage worsens. That’s why it's important to never get to that point. 

How? With specialized insider threat software like Insightful. 

Traditional security software struggles to catch insider threats because it focuses on external attacks and lacks the ability to monitor trusted users' actions effectively. 

By monitoring employee internet usage and behavior, Insightful can detect and alert you in real time to suspicious activity like unauthorized data access, so you can act immediately. These alerts are customizable, so you can set up your own security tripwires tailored to your unique environment.

Are your teams hybrid or remote? These setups can be more vulnerable without the right software to close the security gaps. Insightful’s remote system monitoring software is suitable for any environment, whether in-office, remote, or anywhere in between.

If you already suspect insider threat activity may be happening in your organization, stealth monitoring software allows you to monitor user activity silently - making it easier to catch potentially malicious threats. 

In the event a breach does occur, Insightful’s detailed logs provide forensic data you can use for investigation purposes. These insights give you a leg up on how to strengthen your security posture in the future and ensure it never happens again. 

Want to see it in action? Find out how global BPO company Outstaffer uses Insightful to secure and manage their devices virtually with 24/7 monitoring to keep their clients' data secure.

5. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

Your incident response plan should be ready to go when insider threats arise. By keeping everyone aligned and prepared, you’re not just reacting to threats—you’re building a proactive, security-focused environment across the organization.

Here’s how to make sure it’s effective:

  • Develop & Document Your Plan: Create a detailed incident response plan that clearly outlines the steps to take if an insider threat happens. Document it thoroughly so everyone has access to it.

  • Assign Clear Roles: Make sure each team member knows exactly what their responsibility is during an insider threat incident. When something goes wrong, you want a team that can spring into action without hesitation or confusion.

  • Regularly Update the Plan: Threats evolve, so should your plan. Review and update it regularly to ensure it addresses new risks and technologies. This keeps your team sharp and your defenses strong.

  • Make It a Continuous Effort: This isn’t a one-time setup. Treat your incident response plan as a living document that grows with your organization. Staying vigilant and prepared turns your plan into a part of your company’s security culture.

The Choice Is Yours

Remember, your team can be your strongest defense or your biggest vulnerability. By creating a culture of security awareness and leveraging cutting-edge technology – you're securing your company's future.

Ready to transform your insider threat defense? Start your 7-day free trial of Insightful’s virtual employee monitoring software and see the difference for yourself. 

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