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Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
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Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Key Takeaways:

  • Set clear, measurable outcomes with RPM, eliminating ambiguity and fostering efficiency in the workplace.

  • Strategically delegate tasks for a more efficient workplace, using Insightful for precise activity tracking.

  • Embrace RPM's structured approach, ensuring continuous improvements for both personal and professional development.

Read time: 8 minutes.

Embark on a transformative experience with the Rapid Planning Method (RPM) – a groundbreaking approach by Tony Robbins. This method, extending beyond individual empowerment, proves invaluable for managers and companies navigating a productivity-focused terrain. 

RPM transcends traditional time management, offering a purpose-driven, results-oriented framework that enhances goal-setting, alignment, and adaptability. Whether you're an individual seeking personal excellence or a manager optimizing team performance, RPM provides a versatile solution. 

Its structured approach ensures clarity, cultivating a collaborative and purposeful environment within organizations. Join the RPM paradigm shift to not only enhance personal productivity but also empower your teams to achieve collective goals. 

Enhance your work, lead with precision, and nurture a culture of success with RPM.

Unpacking RPM's Key Questions 

At the core of the Rapid Planning Method lie three pivotal questions that serve as a guiding compass; let’s explore these questions and how they can be applied to better productivity.

What is my desired outcome?

Define a specific, measurable outcome to focus your efforts effectively.
Consider a CEO aiming to boost company innovation. Their desired outcome could involve implementing a company-wide innovation challenge to encourage creative thinking and ideation.

Why is it significant to me?

Uncover the emotional triggers and personal values tied to your goal.

For a project manager seeking to enhance project delivery efficiency, the significance could be tied to fostering a sense of accomplishment, ensuring timely project completion, and contributing to overall team success and a more productive workplace.

How can I strategically achieve it?

Develop a Massive Action Plan (MAP) by brainstorming and prioritizing key actions.

A team leader aiming to improve team communication could strategically achieve their goal by implementing regular feedback sessions, organizing team-building activities, and fostering an open-door communication policy.

Strategies for RPM Implementation & Overcoming Challenges

Clarity in Goal Setting

  • Tip 1: Define Specific Outcomes
  • Instead of vague goals, such as "improve productivity," aim for concrete targets, e.g., "achieve a 10% increase in team productivity."

  • Tip 2: Purpose-Driven Goals
  • Attach emotional triggers to goals by connecting professional aspirations with impactful or innovative words.

  • Example:
  • A team leader enhances productivity by setting a specific goal and associating it with the emotions of feeling impactful and innovative, providing powerful motivation.

Resistance to Specific Goal Setting

  • Challenge: Vague Objectives
  • Individuals may resist setting specific goals, preferring general aspirations.

  • Solution: Define with Precision
  • Encourage breaking down broad goals into specific, measurable outcomes. For instance, specify "practice mindfulness for 10 minutes daily" instead of "improve well-being."

  • Example:
  • A professional struggled with clear career goals until defining precise objectives, such as achieving a certification within six months.

Building a Massive Action Plan (MAP)

  • Tip 1: Brainstorm Ideas
  • List all possible actions related to your goal without limitations.

  • Tip 2: Prioritize Actions
  • Identify the most impactful actions and focus on what truly matters.

  • Example:
  • A CEO advancing in their industry created a focused MAP by brainstorming and prioritizing key strategic moves, avoiding overwhelm.

MAP Overwhelm

  • Challenge: Numerous Action Items
  • Building a Massive Action Plan might become overwhelming with numerous identified actions.

  • Solution: Prioritize and Simplify
  • Guide individuals to prioritize actions based on impact, focusing on key steps aligned with goals.

  • Example:
  • A team leader streamlined a complex MAP for improving team dynamics by prioritizing key team-building initiatives.

Advantages of RPM in a Work Environment

1. Enhanced Productivity

Efficient Task Prioritization:

  • RPM equips individuals with a systematic method to prioritize tasks, fostering a heightened sense of efficiency in the workplace.

  • The method encourages a targeted focus on tasks that bear the most impact, ensuring that time and effort are channeled toward activities aligned with organizational goals.

Fostering Collaborative Work Dynamics:

  • Within a team-oriented landscape, RPM facilitates a shared understanding of collective goals, fostering collaborative efforts toward overarching objectives.

  • By emphasizing outcomes and results, RPM inspires teams to synchronize their endeavors with the organization's strategic vision, nurturing a sense of shared accomplishment.

2. Precise Goal Setting

Clarity in Objectives:

  • RPM's commitment to clear and measurable objectives eradicates ambiguity, ensuring that each team member comprehends the desired outcomes.

  • The method leads you to deconstruct complex organizational goals into more actionable steps, providing a well-defined layout for completing your tasks.

Alignment of Personal Goals with Organizational Vision:

  • RPM encourages employees to intertwine their personal aspirations with the broader organizational vision, creating a more symbiotic environment.

  • By cultivating conditions where individual goals contribute meaningfully to the larger organizational framework, RPM establishes a collective sense of direction.

3. Tailored Adaptability

Customized Solutions for Varied Roles:

  • RPM is a productivity method created with great adaptability, having the capacity to cater to the distinctive needs of individuals across diverse roles within the organization.

  • Different departments and teams can tailor the method to align with their specific objectives, making sure to build a personalized approach that suits the unique demands of each role.

Continuous Improvement Encouragement:

  • The adaptability of RPM extends to feedback mechanisms, allowing teams to refine their planning strategies based on real-time insights.

  • This adaptability fosters a culture of ongoing improvement, where teams can continuously optimize their planning methods to address evolving challenges.

Tools & Resources for RPM Implementation

Enhancing your RPM journey involves the strategic integration of tools and resources. Knowing how to properly implement software for employee time tracking into your organization means a lot of important work can be done for you, while you focus on your tasks.

Insightful: Navigating the Productive Workplace

Employee Performance Analytics:

  • Insightful's analytics can help you recognize high-performing teams and areas for improvement. Fostering a culture of collaboration by acknowledging and celebrating team successes will help build team spirit.

Strategic Decision-Making:

  • Make informed decisions based on the software’s data-driven insights and activity tracking. For instance, align your Massive Action Plans with successful project patterns, ensuring your actions contribute strategically.

Hive: Enhancing Collaboration and Project Management

  • Hive monitoring plays a pivotal role in aligning actions with RPM principles, emphasizing continuous improvements in teamwork and project efficiency. Here's how Hive can be optimized:

Task Prioritization:

  • Hive can organize your tasks based on urgency and importance, making sure that you’re focused on achieving your goals. Elevate your work by focusing on high-impact activities that contribute to your desired outcomes.

Real-time Project Tracking:

Monitor project progress in real-time using Hive's tracking features. Ensure that your actions are adaptive and aligned with the evolving needs of your projects.

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Productivity and Efficiency Improvements

From Goals to Action: The RPM Guide to Success

Written by
Dora Ordanić
Published on
February 2, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Set clear, measurable outcomes with RPM, eliminating ambiguity and fostering efficiency in the workplace.

  • Strategically delegate tasks for a more efficient workplace, using Insightful for precise activity tracking.

  • Embrace RPM's structured approach, ensuring continuous improvements for both personal and professional development.

Read time: 8 minutes.

Embark on a transformative experience with the Rapid Planning Method (RPM) – a groundbreaking approach by Tony Robbins. This method, extending beyond individual empowerment, proves invaluable for managers and companies navigating a productivity-focused terrain. 

RPM transcends traditional time management, offering a purpose-driven, results-oriented framework that enhances goal-setting, alignment, and adaptability. Whether you're an individual seeking personal excellence or a manager optimizing team performance, RPM provides a versatile solution. 

Its structured approach ensures clarity, cultivating a collaborative and purposeful environment within organizations. Join the RPM paradigm shift to not only enhance personal productivity but also empower your teams to achieve collective goals. 

Enhance your work, lead with precision, and nurture a culture of success with RPM.

Unpacking RPM's Key Questions 

At the core of the Rapid Planning Method lie three pivotal questions that serve as a guiding compass; let’s explore these questions and how they can be applied to better productivity.

What is my desired outcome?

Define a specific, measurable outcome to focus your efforts effectively.
Consider a CEO aiming to boost company innovation. Their desired outcome could involve implementing a company-wide innovation challenge to encourage creative thinking and ideation.

Why is it significant to me?

Uncover the emotional triggers and personal values tied to your goal.

For a project manager seeking to enhance project delivery efficiency, the significance could be tied to fostering a sense of accomplishment, ensuring timely project completion, and contributing to overall team success and a more productive workplace.

How can I strategically achieve it?

Develop a Massive Action Plan (MAP) by brainstorming and prioritizing key actions.

A team leader aiming to improve team communication could strategically achieve their goal by implementing regular feedback sessions, organizing team-building activities, and fostering an open-door communication policy.

Strategies for RPM Implementation & Overcoming Challenges

Clarity in Goal Setting

  • Tip 1: Define Specific Outcomes
  • Instead of vague goals, such as "improve productivity," aim for concrete targets, e.g., "achieve a 10% increase in team productivity."

  • Tip 2: Purpose-Driven Goals
  • Attach emotional triggers to goals by connecting professional aspirations with impactful or innovative words.

  • Example:
  • A team leader enhances productivity by setting a specific goal and associating it with the emotions of feeling impactful and innovative, providing powerful motivation.

Resistance to Specific Goal Setting

  • Challenge: Vague Objectives
  • Individuals may resist setting specific goals, preferring general aspirations.

  • Solution: Define with Precision
  • Encourage breaking down broad goals into specific, measurable outcomes. For instance, specify "practice mindfulness for 10 minutes daily" instead of "improve well-being."

  • Example:
  • A professional struggled with clear career goals until defining precise objectives, such as achieving a certification within six months.

Building a Massive Action Plan (MAP)

  • Tip 1: Brainstorm Ideas
  • List all possible actions related to your goal without limitations.

  • Tip 2: Prioritize Actions
  • Identify the most impactful actions and focus on what truly matters.

  • Example:
  • A CEO advancing in their industry created a focused MAP by brainstorming and prioritizing key strategic moves, avoiding overwhelm.

MAP Overwhelm

  • Challenge: Numerous Action Items
  • Building a Massive Action Plan might become overwhelming with numerous identified actions.

  • Solution: Prioritize and Simplify
  • Guide individuals to prioritize actions based on impact, focusing on key steps aligned with goals.

  • Example:
  • A team leader streamlined a complex MAP for improving team dynamics by prioritizing key team-building initiatives.

Advantages of RPM in a Work Environment

1. Enhanced Productivity

Efficient Task Prioritization:

  • RPM equips individuals with a systematic method to prioritize tasks, fostering a heightened sense of efficiency in the workplace.

  • The method encourages a targeted focus on tasks that bear the most impact, ensuring that time and effort are channeled toward activities aligned with organizational goals.

Fostering Collaborative Work Dynamics:

  • Within a team-oriented landscape, RPM facilitates a shared understanding of collective goals, fostering collaborative efforts toward overarching objectives.

  • By emphasizing outcomes and results, RPM inspires teams to synchronize their endeavors with the organization's strategic vision, nurturing a sense of shared accomplishment.

2. Precise Goal Setting

Clarity in Objectives:

  • RPM's commitment to clear and measurable objectives eradicates ambiguity, ensuring that each team member comprehends the desired outcomes.

  • The method leads you to deconstruct complex organizational goals into more actionable steps, providing a well-defined layout for completing your tasks.

Alignment of Personal Goals with Organizational Vision:

  • RPM encourages employees to intertwine their personal aspirations with the broader organizational vision, creating a more symbiotic environment.

  • By cultivating conditions where individual goals contribute meaningfully to the larger organizational framework, RPM establishes a collective sense of direction.

3. Tailored Adaptability

Customized Solutions for Varied Roles:

  • RPM is a productivity method created with great adaptability, having the capacity to cater to the distinctive needs of individuals across diverse roles within the organization.

  • Different departments and teams can tailor the method to align with their specific objectives, making sure to build a personalized approach that suits the unique demands of each role.

Continuous Improvement Encouragement:

  • The adaptability of RPM extends to feedback mechanisms, allowing teams to refine their planning strategies based on real-time insights.

  • This adaptability fosters a culture of ongoing improvement, where teams can continuously optimize their planning methods to address evolving challenges.

Tools & Resources for RPM Implementation

Enhancing your RPM journey involves the strategic integration of tools and resources. Knowing how to properly implement software for employee time tracking into your organization means a lot of important work can be done for you, while you focus on your tasks.

Insightful: Navigating the Productive Workplace

Employee Performance Analytics:

  • Insightful's analytics can help you recognize high-performing teams and areas for improvement. Fostering a culture of collaboration by acknowledging and celebrating team successes will help build team spirit.

Strategic Decision-Making:

  • Make informed decisions based on the software’s data-driven insights and activity tracking. For instance, align your Massive Action Plans with successful project patterns, ensuring your actions contribute strategically.

Hive: Enhancing Collaboration and Project Management

  • Hive monitoring plays a pivotal role in aligning actions with RPM principles, emphasizing continuous improvements in teamwork and project efficiency. Here's how Hive can be optimized:

Task Prioritization:

  • Hive can organize your tasks based on urgency and importance, making sure that you’re focused on achieving your goals. Elevate your work by focusing on high-impact activities that contribute to your desired outcomes.

Real-time Project Tracking:

Monitor project progress in real-time using Hive's tracking features. Ensure that your actions are adaptive and aligned with the evolving needs of your projects.