Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Key Takeaways:

  • FVP prioritizes tasks based on individual psychological readiness, boosting productivity.
  • The method's adaptability allows for constant adjustment to current mental states and task preferences.

  • FVP's simple list-based approach ensures easy implementation and ongoing management.
  • Insightful’s app to track time worked enhances FVP by providing actionable data on time usage and productivity, refining the effectiveness of the psychological readiness model.

Read time: 6 minutes

Ever feel like your team's to-do list is more of a straitjacket than a tool? 

Conventional time management methods often end up feeling stiff and out of touch with the ebb and flow of real-life work demands. Luckily, the Final Version Perfected (FVP) technique is here to help, a fresh take on getting things done crafted by a productivity expert.

This isn't your average task manager. FVP cuts through the noise by aligning with your team's psychological readiness, helping everyone take on their work when they feel most motivated. 

In this guide, we'll unravel how FVP could revolutionize your approach to productivity. Learn how tools like Insightful’s time tracker for work and employee productivity monitoring can help you transform those daunting task lists into something that your team will engage with dynamically, boosting both productivity and operational efficiency!

What is FVP?

What exactly is Final Version Perfected (FVP)? Created by Mark Forster, FVP is a unique method that goes beyond traditional lists and deadlines. It's built around a simple yet powerful question: "What do I want to do more than this?" This question helps individuals navigate their tasks by aligning them with their current mental and emotional readiness.

Unlike systems that rigidly prioritize tasks based on deadlines or importance, this approach makes it easier for team members to engage with their work in a more natural and stress-free manner. 

Here's why it's different:

  • Psychological Readiness: FVP taps into how ready a person feels to tackle a task, which can vary from hour to hour and day to day.

  • Prioritization: While it includes elements of urgency and importance, FVP places a unique emphasis on what the individual feels drawn to do at any given moment.

  • Simplicity: There's no complex setup. It starts with a list and a question, guiding you through your tasks without the need for elaborate systems.

You can see how FVP might be a better fit for managing modern workloads, especially in dynamic environments where priorities shift frequently. This makes it an ideal tool for teams that struggle with traditional planning methods that often ignore the human element of productivity.

Why FVP Could Be Your Team's New Best Friend

Have you ever noticed how some days, certain tasks just feel right, while others feel like climbing a mountain? That’s where the beauty of FVP shines. This method doesn’t just manage tasks—it aligns them with your team’s natural workflow and motivation. 

Here’s why FVP could quickly become the go-to technique for your team:

  • Alignment with Natural Motivation: FVP asks team members to choose tasks based on what they feel most inclined to tackle next. This choice taps directly into a person's intrinsic motivation, making it easier to start and sustain work on a project.

  • Adaptability to Daily Changes: No two workdays are exactly the same. FVP’s flexibility allows team members to adapt their task list as their day unfolds, accommodating unexpected demands or shifts in energy and focus.

  • Ease of Use: Unlike systems that require rigorous training or strict adherence to complex rules, FVP starts with a simple question and a list. It’s easy to implement and even easier to maintain, making it perfect for busy teams.

  • Promotes Task Engagement: By allowing team members to choose tasks based on their current readiness, FVP reduces the friction and resistance often associated with compulsory task lists.

  • Efficiency and Productivity: When team members work on tasks they are psychologically ready for, they work faster and more effectively. This boosts individual productivity and team output.

This can significantly boost morale and reduce burnout, as team members feel more in control of their workload.

Implementing the Final Version Perfected (FVP) System

The FVP system revolves around a continuous cycle of selection and action, based on what you feel most inclined to do at any given moment. Here’s how you can implement FVP:

Step 1: Creating Your List

  • Start Simple: Begin by writing down all the tasks you need or want to do. You can use a notepad, a digital app, or any tool that you find easiest to manage and update.

  • No Order Required: List items as they come to mind. There’s no need to prioritize at this stage.

Step 2: Selecting Tasks

  • Mark the First Task: Place a mark (like a dot or a check) next to the first task on your list. This is your starting point.

  • Ask the Key Question: Look at the marked task and ask yourself, “What do I want to do more than this?” Proceed to review each subsequent task on the list.

  • Make Comparisons: Move down the list, comparing each task to the currently marked one. When you find a task that you feel more inclined to do than the marked task, put a mark next to this new task.

  • Repeat: Continue this process down the list. Each time you mark a new task, it becomes the new reference for comparison.

Step 3: Working on Tasks

  • Begin with the Last Marked Task: Start working on the last task you felt most inclined to do during your comparison. This task is typically the one you marked last.

  • Duration of Work: Work on the task as long as you wish or until it is completed. If you only manage partial progress, that’s fine.

  • Cycle Back if Needed: After completing or pausing a task, return to your list and consider the last task you were comparing others to. Ask again what you would rather do now, potentially adding new tasks to the bottom of your list if they arise during your work.

Step 4: Review & Adjust

  • Regularly Update: At the end of each day or session, review your list. Cross out completed tasks, and add any new tasks that have come up.

  • Reassess Regularly: If tasks become irrelevant or priorities shift, adjust your list accordingly. Use staff monitoring tools to monitor progress, this keeps your task list fresh and aligned with current needs.

Step 5: Continuous Improvement

  • Learn from Experience: Note which types of tasks consistently appeal to you and which do not. Adjust how you approach unappealing tasks, perhaps breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts.

  • Adapt the System: FVP is flexible. If you find that certain adjustments or tweaks work better for you, incorporate them into your routine.

Who Is FVP Suitable For?

The Final Version Perfected (FVP) time management system is well-suited for certain individuals and work environments, while it might not be the best fit for others. Understanding who stands to benefit most from this system can help you decide if it's right for you or your team.

Ideal For:

  • Creatives and Freelancers: Suitable for those facing varied tasks that aren't strictly scheduled, allowing flexibility according to creative flow.

  • People with Flexible Schedules: Best for individuals without strict daily routines, adapting priorities as the day evolves.

  • Individuals Struggling with Procrastination: Helps tackle procrastination by focusing on tasks that feel most manageable in the moment.

  • Professionals in Dynamic Roles: Useful for managers and entrepreneurs who juggle multiple responsibilities and need to shift focus quickly.

Less Ideal For:

  • Highly Structured Environments: Not suitable for jobs requiring strict task sequences or heavy dependency on external schedules.

  • Teams Requiring Synchronized Workflows: Challenges teams that need closely coordinated task management.

  • People Who Prefer Detailed Planning: May unsettle those who thrive on highly organized and detailed daily plans.

  • Regulated and Compliance-Driven Roles: Incompatible with jobs that demand adherence to regulatory schedules and protocols.

How to Coach Your Team on FVP

If you think the Final Version Perfected (FVP) method could benefit your team, here's how you can effectively coach your members to use it:

Start by organizing a session to educate your team on the principles and benefits of FVP
, clearly highlighting how it differs from traditional time management methods. During this session, lead by example—use your own tasks to demonstrate FVP in action, providing live walkthroughs to show the decision-making process in real time.

To ensure comprehension and comfort with the method, conduct interactive sessions where team members can practice FVP. During these practices, offer immediate feedback and guidance to help refine their technique. 

Encourage your team to use FVP for a set trial period
, such as two weeks, to fully experience its benefits and identify any challenges. Schedule regular check-ins during this period to discuss their experiences, troubleshoot issues, and encourage sharing of successes.

Allow team members to customize the method
to better fit their individual and collective workflows. Regularly solicit and incorporate feedback to adapt the system to better meet the evolving needs of your team. 

Supercharge Productivity with Insightful’s Remote Work Monitor Tool & FVP

Unlock the full potential of your team by integrating Insightful's employee time monitoring software with the dynamic Final Version Perfected (FVP) time management system. 

This powerful combination enhances visibility into your team’s work habits and optimizes workflows for peak efficiency. Here’s why you should consider leveraging these tools together:

  1. Maximized Task Prioritization: With Insightful’s detailed analytics, gain unparalleled insight into how each team member spends their time. This data-rich backdrop enriches the FVP method, enabling a more informed approach to prioritizing tasks based on real-time insights, ensuring that employees tackle what they are genuinely ready for.

  2. Balanced Workloads for Better Health: Insightful’s workload analysis tools help distribute tasks more evenly across your team. This ensures no one is overwhelmed, aligning perfectly with FVP's ethos of psychological readiness, thus preventing burnout and boosting overall team morale.

  3. Seamless Integration with Project Management: By syncing Insightful’s time tracker for remote workers with your existing project management tools, you enrich the FVP system with deeper time-based insights. This integration helps refine the strategic questioning at the heart of FVP, allowing team members to choose their tasks not just based on readiness, but also on critical project timelines.

  4. Empower Remote and Hybrid Efficiency: Especially designed for today's flexible work arrangements, Insightful accurately tracks time spent in and out of the office. When used with FVP, it ensures that remote and hybrid team members remain productive and focused, regardless of their location.
  5. Transparent Reporting: Provide clients and stakeholders with transparent, detailed reports on how time and resources are allocated. Insightful’s screen tracking software provides proof of work that complements FVP’s flexible task management by demonstrating the effectiveness and rationale behind task prioritization.

Don’t let conventional task management methods hold your team back. Embrace the synergy between Insightful’s remote employee tracking and FVP to foster a more adaptable, efficient, and engaged workforce. 

Start your free trial of Insightful today
, and see how it transforms the way your team manages time and tasks. The Insightful download is easy! Book a demo or start your trial with no credit card required, and step into a new era of workplace productivity.

We’ve reserved a 7-day free trial for you….

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Time Tracking

Optimize Time Management: Leverage Psychological Readiness with FVP and Insightful

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
June 19, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • FVP prioritizes tasks based on individual psychological readiness, boosting productivity.
  • The method's adaptability allows for constant adjustment to current mental states and task preferences.

  • FVP's simple list-based approach ensures easy implementation and ongoing management.
  • Insightful’s app to track time worked enhances FVP by providing actionable data on time usage and productivity, refining the effectiveness of the psychological readiness model.

Read time: 6 minutes

Ever feel like your team's to-do list is more of a straitjacket than a tool? 

Conventional time management methods often end up feeling stiff and out of touch with the ebb and flow of real-life work demands. Luckily, the Final Version Perfected (FVP) technique is here to help, a fresh take on getting things done crafted by a productivity expert.

This isn't your average task manager. FVP cuts through the noise by aligning with your team's psychological readiness, helping everyone take on their work when they feel most motivated. 

In this guide, we'll unravel how FVP could revolutionize your approach to productivity. Learn how tools like Insightful’s time tracker for work and employee productivity monitoring can help you transform those daunting task lists into something that your team will engage with dynamically, boosting both productivity and operational efficiency!

What is FVP?

What exactly is Final Version Perfected (FVP)? Created by Mark Forster, FVP is a unique method that goes beyond traditional lists and deadlines. It's built around a simple yet powerful question: "What do I want to do more than this?" This question helps individuals navigate their tasks by aligning them with their current mental and emotional readiness.

Unlike systems that rigidly prioritize tasks based on deadlines or importance, this approach makes it easier for team members to engage with their work in a more natural and stress-free manner. 

Here's why it's different:

  • Psychological Readiness: FVP taps into how ready a person feels to tackle a task, which can vary from hour to hour and day to day.

  • Prioritization: While it includes elements of urgency and importance, FVP places a unique emphasis on what the individual feels drawn to do at any given moment.

  • Simplicity: There's no complex setup. It starts with a list and a question, guiding you through your tasks without the need for elaborate systems.

You can see how FVP might be a better fit for managing modern workloads, especially in dynamic environments where priorities shift frequently. This makes it an ideal tool for teams that struggle with traditional planning methods that often ignore the human element of productivity.

Why FVP Could Be Your Team's New Best Friend

Have you ever noticed how some days, certain tasks just feel right, while others feel like climbing a mountain? That’s where the beauty of FVP shines. This method doesn’t just manage tasks—it aligns them with your team’s natural workflow and motivation. 

Here’s why FVP could quickly become the go-to technique for your team:

  • Alignment with Natural Motivation: FVP asks team members to choose tasks based on what they feel most inclined to tackle next. This choice taps directly into a person's intrinsic motivation, making it easier to start and sustain work on a project.

  • Adaptability to Daily Changes: No two workdays are exactly the same. FVP’s flexibility allows team members to adapt their task list as their day unfolds, accommodating unexpected demands or shifts in energy and focus.

  • Ease of Use: Unlike systems that require rigorous training or strict adherence to complex rules, FVP starts with a simple question and a list. It’s easy to implement and even easier to maintain, making it perfect for busy teams.

  • Promotes Task Engagement: By allowing team members to choose tasks based on their current readiness, FVP reduces the friction and resistance often associated with compulsory task lists.

  • Efficiency and Productivity: When team members work on tasks they are psychologically ready for, they work faster and more effectively. This boosts individual productivity and team output.

This can significantly boost morale and reduce burnout, as team members feel more in control of their workload.

Implementing the Final Version Perfected (FVP) System

The FVP system revolves around a continuous cycle of selection and action, based on what you feel most inclined to do at any given moment. Here’s how you can implement FVP:

Step 1: Creating Your List

  • Start Simple: Begin by writing down all the tasks you need or want to do. You can use a notepad, a digital app, or any tool that you find easiest to manage and update.

  • No Order Required: List items as they come to mind. There’s no need to prioritize at this stage.

Step 2: Selecting Tasks

  • Mark the First Task: Place a mark (like a dot or a check) next to the first task on your list. This is your starting point.

  • Ask the Key Question: Look at the marked task and ask yourself, “What do I want to do more than this?” Proceed to review each subsequent task on the list.

  • Make Comparisons: Move down the list, comparing each task to the currently marked one. When you find a task that you feel more inclined to do than the marked task, put a mark next to this new task.

  • Repeat: Continue this process down the list. Each time you mark a new task, it becomes the new reference for comparison.

Step 3: Working on Tasks

  • Begin with the Last Marked Task: Start working on the last task you felt most inclined to do during your comparison. This task is typically the one you marked last.

  • Duration of Work: Work on the task as long as you wish or until it is completed. If you only manage partial progress, that’s fine.

  • Cycle Back if Needed: After completing or pausing a task, return to your list and consider the last task you were comparing others to. Ask again what you would rather do now, potentially adding new tasks to the bottom of your list if they arise during your work.

Step 4: Review & Adjust

  • Regularly Update: At the end of each day or session, review your list. Cross out completed tasks, and add any new tasks that have come up.

  • Reassess Regularly: If tasks become irrelevant or priorities shift, adjust your list accordingly. Use staff monitoring tools to monitor progress, this keeps your task list fresh and aligned with current needs.

Step 5: Continuous Improvement

  • Learn from Experience: Note which types of tasks consistently appeal to you and which do not. Adjust how you approach unappealing tasks, perhaps breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts.

  • Adapt the System: FVP is flexible. If you find that certain adjustments or tweaks work better for you, incorporate them into your routine.

Who Is FVP Suitable For?

The Final Version Perfected (FVP) time management system is well-suited for certain individuals and work environments, while it might not be the best fit for others. Understanding who stands to benefit most from this system can help you decide if it's right for you or your team.

Ideal For:

  • Creatives and Freelancers: Suitable for those facing varied tasks that aren't strictly scheduled, allowing flexibility according to creative flow.

  • People with Flexible Schedules: Best for individuals without strict daily routines, adapting priorities as the day evolves.

  • Individuals Struggling with Procrastination: Helps tackle procrastination by focusing on tasks that feel most manageable in the moment.

  • Professionals in Dynamic Roles: Useful for managers and entrepreneurs who juggle multiple responsibilities and need to shift focus quickly.

Less Ideal For:

  • Highly Structured Environments: Not suitable for jobs requiring strict task sequences or heavy dependency on external schedules.

  • Teams Requiring Synchronized Workflows: Challenges teams that need closely coordinated task management.

  • People Who Prefer Detailed Planning: May unsettle those who thrive on highly organized and detailed daily plans.

  • Regulated and Compliance-Driven Roles: Incompatible with jobs that demand adherence to regulatory schedules and protocols.

How to Coach Your Team on FVP

If you think the Final Version Perfected (FVP) method could benefit your team, here's how you can effectively coach your members to use it:

Start by organizing a session to educate your team on the principles and benefits of FVP
, clearly highlighting how it differs from traditional time management methods. During this session, lead by example—use your own tasks to demonstrate FVP in action, providing live walkthroughs to show the decision-making process in real time.

To ensure comprehension and comfort with the method, conduct interactive sessions where team members can practice FVP. During these practices, offer immediate feedback and guidance to help refine their technique. 

Encourage your team to use FVP for a set trial period
, such as two weeks, to fully experience its benefits and identify any challenges. Schedule regular check-ins during this period to discuss their experiences, troubleshoot issues, and encourage sharing of successes.

Allow team members to customize the method
to better fit their individual and collective workflows. Regularly solicit and incorporate feedback to adapt the system to better meet the evolving needs of your team. 

Supercharge Productivity with Insightful’s Remote Work Monitor Tool & FVP

Unlock the full potential of your team by integrating Insightful's employee time monitoring software with the dynamic Final Version Perfected (FVP) time management system. 

This powerful combination enhances visibility into your team’s work habits and optimizes workflows for peak efficiency. Here’s why you should consider leveraging these tools together:

  1. Maximized Task Prioritization: With Insightful’s detailed analytics, gain unparalleled insight into how each team member spends their time. This data-rich backdrop enriches the FVP method, enabling a more informed approach to prioritizing tasks based on real-time insights, ensuring that employees tackle what they are genuinely ready for.

  2. Balanced Workloads for Better Health: Insightful’s workload analysis tools help distribute tasks more evenly across your team. This ensures no one is overwhelmed, aligning perfectly with FVP's ethos of psychological readiness, thus preventing burnout and boosting overall team morale.

  3. Seamless Integration with Project Management: By syncing Insightful’s time tracker for remote workers with your existing project management tools, you enrich the FVP system with deeper time-based insights. This integration helps refine the strategic questioning at the heart of FVP, allowing team members to choose their tasks not just based on readiness, but also on critical project timelines.

  4. Empower Remote and Hybrid Efficiency: Especially designed for today's flexible work arrangements, Insightful accurately tracks time spent in and out of the office. When used with FVP, it ensures that remote and hybrid team members remain productive and focused, regardless of their location.
  5. Transparent Reporting: Provide clients and stakeholders with transparent, detailed reports on how time and resources are allocated. Insightful’s screen tracking software provides proof of work that complements FVP’s flexible task management by demonstrating the effectiveness and rationale behind task prioritization.

Don’t let conventional task management methods hold your team back. Embrace the synergy between Insightful’s remote employee tracking and FVP to foster a more adaptable, efficient, and engaged workforce. 

Start your free trial of Insightful today
, and see how it transforms the way your team manages time and tasks. The Insightful download is easy! Book a demo or start your trial with no credit card required, and step into a new era of workplace productivity.