Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

Key Takeaways: 

  • Explore how the Insightful - Height integration enhances project management, enabling meticulous tracking of tasks and project milestones.

  • Delve into the advanced time tracking capabilities offered by the integration, which yield comprehensive insights into project development and resource allocation.

  • Comprehend how Insightful aids in pinpointing and addressing inefficiencies in projects when combined with Height's project management framework.
  • Gain insights into how the Insightful- Height time tracking integration facilitates accurate and transparent client billing.

Read time: 8 minutes

When it comes to project management, Insightful and Height have become essential tools for teams focused on efficiency and clarity.

Insightful is recognized for its strong monitoring abilities, offering a wide-ranging platform to enhance the management of remote teams. It excels in observing employee engagement and productivity, delivering in-depth insights into team dynamics and effectiveness.

Height is acclaimed for its versatile approach to project management, integrating AI capabilities to enhance task management, progress tracking, and oversight of entire project cycles. Its adaptability and customization, enriched by AI-driven insights, make it an ideal tool for diverse project requirements, catering to different management styles and project types with ease.

This article focuses on the combination of Insightful’s thorough productivity and time monitoring with Height’s organized project management approach. 

Together, the Insightful & Height integration forms an effective alliance, providing teams comprehensive control over their projects and workflows. This combination ensures that teams, whether working remotely or in-office, can reach their highest potential.

Height: The Apex of Project Management

For teams seeking to enhance their collaborative efforts and streamline their workflows, Height is a formidable project management tool, engineered to transform the way teams operate. 

Central to Height's appeal is its fusion of real-time team communication with comprehensive project tracking. This integration enables teams to consolidate discussions, tasks, and project timelines in a single, intuitive platform, ensuring that all members stay aligned and informed.

Height distinguishes itself through its remarkable flexibility and customization. The platform offers robust options for tailoring workflows, task views, and notifications. This versatility allows teams to mold the tool to fit their specific processes and preferences, making it an adaptable solution for various project types and management styles.

What truly sets Height apart is its AI-powered capabilities. These features offer teams intelligent insights and suggestions, optimizing the management process and reducing manual efforts. The AI component assists in organizing tasks, prioritizing actions, and even predicting project outcomes, thereby elevating the efficiency of team operations.

Height's robust task management system is designed to handle everything from simple to-do lists to complex project roadmaps. Its user-friendly interface facilitates the creation of tasks, assignment of responsibilities, and tracking of progress, all while providing a clear view of the entire project landscape.

Height's powerful analytics and reporting tools play a crucial role in enhancing productivity. These tools provide teams with actionable data and performance metrics, enabling them to make informed decisions and continuously improve their project management strategies.

Height also excels in its capacity to integrate with other tools and platforms. This interoperability ensures a seamless workflow, connecting various aspects of project management and team collaboration in a cohesive ecosystems.

Exploring Insightful: Your Portal to Elevated Remote Team Coordination

Insightful is an excellent resource for enterprises shifting towards or refining their remote work frameworks. Specifically designed to address the varied aspects of remote team management, Insightful delivers an extensive array of features that simplifies supervision and elevates productivity.

The foundation of Insightful's utility lies in its advanced monitoring capabilities. The platform is adept at observing employee engagement and output, providing critical perspectives on how individuals engage with their tasks and tools. This monitoring is delicately balanced, differentiating between active and passive periods, thus offering an authentic view of team efficiency.

One of Insightful's notable attributes is its customization potential, enabling leaders to mold the platform to their distinct requirements. From configuring personalized notifications for attendance and security to modifying parameters for monitoring particular actions, Insightful's flexibility ensures it integrates effortlessly into diverse business operations.

Insightful transcends mere surveillance; it's a holistic approach to augmenting team productivity. It supports instantaneous tracking of computer usage, shedding light on the most and least productive software. This aspect is crucial for pinpointing inefficiencies and streamlining task flows.

Additionally, the integration prowess of Insightful broadens its applicability. It seamlessly interfaces with project management tools like Height, enhancing time monitoring and data handling within Height. This harmonious interaction between systems fosters a more effective environment for managing remote teams.

Insightful - Height Time Tracker Integration 

The integration of Height with Insightful redefines the approach to time tracking and productivity management in project and task handling. This dynamic integration offers several key enhancements:

Comprehensive Time Tracking on Height Tasks: With Insightful's integration, users receive a detailed analysis of time spent on each task and project within Height. It breaks down time allocation and activity, providing teams with clarity on where their efforts are focused.

Optimization of Productivity and Efficiency: The integration pinpoints areas where productivity may lag within Height projects, allowing teams to refine their workflows and boost operational efficiency.

Streamlined Invoicing and Client Transparency: This integration aids in accurate invoicing by tracking time spent on projects more precisely. It also includes features for client access to project updates, enhancing transparency and building trust.

User-Friendly Time Tracking Interface: The integration boasts a simple, one-click timer and optional screenshot features, making time tracking more intuitive and verifiable, suitable for both remote and in-office settings.

Qualitative Productivity Insights: Beyond just tracking time, the integration offers qualitative assessments, giving deeper insights into how different work settings affect productivity and employee well-being.

Technical Features:

  • The integration connects Height's task management capabilities with Insightful's advanced time tracking technology.

  • Users can easily start and stop the time tracker within Height with a single click, integrating time tracking into their regular workflow seamlessly.

  • Features like screenshot capture and client access for project progress review are integrated, ensuring user-friendliness and additional functionality.

  • Designed for diverse work environments, including remote, hybrid, and in-office teams, it offers versatility to meet various organizational needs.

Overall, the Height and Insightful integration transforms time tracking from a mere metric to an extensive analytical tool, empowering teams with valuable data to optimize processes, improve workflows, and enhance productivity and project outcomes.

Streamlining Team Performance with Insightful + Height Integration

This powerful synergy between two leading platforms offers a suite of tools tailored for diverse team needs in marketing, engineering, design, finance, product development, and recruiting. 

Through this integration, teams can not only track time with precision but also gain deeper insights into their workflows, enabling them to refine processes, optimize resource allocation, and elevate overall project execution

Here's how each team benefits from this powerful integration:

Marketing Teams

Marketing teams can efficiently manage and track diverse campaigns and initiatives. The integration offers real-time insights into the time spent on different marketing activities, from content creation to digital campaign management. This enables marketers to analyze the effectiveness of various strategies, allocate resources more efficiently, and optimize campaign performance based on data-driven insights.

Engineering Teams

Engineering teams, particularly those in software development, benefit from precise tracking of time spent on coding, testing, and debugging. This integration helps in monitoring development progress, identifying time-consuming tasks, and reallocating resources to meet project deadlines. Engineers can also gain insights into workflow patterns, leading to improved processes and coding practices.

Design Teams

For design teams, the Height and Insightful integration aids in tracking the time spent on each phase of the design process, from conceptualization to final production. This tracking enables designers to balance creativity with productivity, ensuring that project deadlines are met without compromising on design quality. It also helps in identifying areas where the design process can be streamlined or requires additional resources.

Finance Teams

Finance teams can use this integration to track and analyze time spent on various financial activities, such as budgeting, reporting, and compliance. This provides a clearer picture of the team's efficiency and helps in identifying areas for process improvement. The integration also assists in ensuring that critical financial deadlines are met and that the team's efforts align with the organization's financial objectives.

Product Teams

Product teams can leverage this integration for end-to-end management of product development cycles. From ideation to launch, teams can track time spent on each stage, helping to prioritize tasks and manage resources effectively. This level of tracking allows product managers to forecast timelines more accurately and make informed decisions about product strategy and roadmap adjustments.

Recruiting Teams

Recruiting teams can optimize their talent acquisition process by tracking the time spent on sourcing, interviewing, and onboarding candidates. The integration provides insights into the efficiency of the recruitment process, enabling teams to refine their strategies, reduce time-to-hire, and improve the overall candidate experience.

Simplified Height Integration with Insightful

Integrating Height with Insightful is an efficient, user-friendly process, crafted to boost team productivity and sharpen project management. The integration is designed for simplicity, enabling administrators to swiftly synchronize Height with Insightful for streamlined operations.

This collaboration brings forth critical insights into how teams allocate their time, pinpointing potential bottlenecks and facilitating better distribution of resources. Currently in its developmental phase, this integration leverages the expertise of, a third-party service, using a unified API for smooth connectivity.

Upon completion of the setup, team members can immediately start monitoring time spent on various tasks and projects. This enhancement simplifies the management process and significantly elevates team productivity and project tracking efficiency.


With the Height + Insightful integration, teams gain a robust solution for tracking time and enhancing productivity. This integration transcends being just a tool; it becomes a catalyst for honing project management methods, elevating team productivity, and adeptly handling the intricacies of software development and remote team coordination.

Adopting Insightful’s integration with Height marks a shift towards a more streamlined, transparent, and productive work environment, optimizing the way teams manage projects and collaborate.

We’ve reserved a 7-day free trial for you….

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Time Tracking

Take Project Management to the Next Level with Insightful-Height Integration

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
November 14, 2023

Key Takeaways: 

  • Explore how the Insightful - Height integration enhances project management, enabling meticulous tracking of tasks and project milestones.

  • Delve into the advanced time tracking capabilities offered by the integration, which yield comprehensive insights into project development and resource allocation.

  • Comprehend how Insightful aids in pinpointing and addressing inefficiencies in projects when combined with Height's project management framework.
  • Gain insights into how the Insightful- Height time tracking integration facilitates accurate and transparent client billing.

Read time: 8 minutes

When it comes to project management, Insightful and Height have become essential tools for teams focused on efficiency and clarity.

Insightful is recognized for its strong monitoring abilities, offering a wide-ranging platform to enhance the management of remote teams. It excels in observing employee engagement and productivity, delivering in-depth insights into team dynamics and effectiveness.

Height is acclaimed for its versatile approach to project management, integrating AI capabilities to enhance task management, progress tracking, and oversight of entire project cycles. Its adaptability and customization, enriched by AI-driven insights, make it an ideal tool for diverse project requirements, catering to different management styles and project types with ease.

This article focuses on the combination of Insightful’s thorough productivity and time monitoring with Height’s organized project management approach. 

Together, the Insightful & Height integration forms an effective alliance, providing teams comprehensive control over their projects and workflows. This combination ensures that teams, whether working remotely or in-office, can reach their highest potential.

Height: The Apex of Project Management

For teams seeking to enhance their collaborative efforts and streamline their workflows, Height is a formidable project management tool, engineered to transform the way teams operate. 

Central to Height's appeal is its fusion of real-time team communication with comprehensive project tracking. This integration enables teams to consolidate discussions, tasks, and project timelines in a single, intuitive platform, ensuring that all members stay aligned and informed.

Height distinguishes itself through its remarkable flexibility and customization. The platform offers robust options for tailoring workflows, task views, and notifications. This versatility allows teams to mold the tool to fit their specific processes and preferences, making it an adaptable solution for various project types and management styles.

What truly sets Height apart is its AI-powered capabilities. These features offer teams intelligent insights and suggestions, optimizing the management process and reducing manual efforts. The AI component assists in organizing tasks, prioritizing actions, and even predicting project outcomes, thereby elevating the efficiency of team operations.

Height's robust task management system is designed to handle everything from simple to-do lists to complex project roadmaps. Its user-friendly interface facilitates the creation of tasks, assignment of responsibilities, and tracking of progress, all while providing a clear view of the entire project landscape.

Height's powerful analytics and reporting tools play a crucial role in enhancing productivity. These tools provide teams with actionable data and performance metrics, enabling them to make informed decisions and continuously improve their project management strategies.

Height also excels in its capacity to integrate with other tools and platforms. This interoperability ensures a seamless workflow, connecting various aspects of project management and team collaboration in a cohesive ecosystems.

Exploring Insightful: Your Portal to Elevated Remote Team Coordination

Insightful is an excellent resource for enterprises shifting towards or refining their remote work frameworks. Specifically designed to address the varied aspects of remote team management, Insightful delivers an extensive array of features that simplifies supervision and elevates productivity.

The foundation of Insightful's utility lies in its advanced monitoring capabilities. The platform is adept at observing employee engagement and output, providing critical perspectives on how individuals engage with their tasks and tools. This monitoring is delicately balanced, differentiating between active and passive periods, thus offering an authentic view of team efficiency.

One of Insightful's notable attributes is its customization potential, enabling leaders to mold the platform to their distinct requirements. From configuring personalized notifications for attendance and security to modifying parameters for monitoring particular actions, Insightful's flexibility ensures it integrates effortlessly into diverse business operations.

Insightful transcends mere surveillance; it's a holistic approach to augmenting team productivity. It supports instantaneous tracking of computer usage, shedding light on the most and least productive software. This aspect is crucial for pinpointing inefficiencies and streamlining task flows.

Additionally, the integration prowess of Insightful broadens its applicability. It seamlessly interfaces with project management tools like Height, enhancing time monitoring and data handling within Height. This harmonious interaction between systems fosters a more effective environment for managing remote teams.

Insightful - Height Time Tracker Integration 

The integration of Height with Insightful redefines the approach to time tracking and productivity management in project and task handling. This dynamic integration offers several key enhancements:

Comprehensive Time Tracking on Height Tasks: With Insightful's integration, users receive a detailed analysis of time spent on each task and project within Height. It breaks down time allocation and activity, providing teams with clarity on where their efforts are focused.

Optimization of Productivity and Efficiency: The integration pinpoints areas where productivity may lag within Height projects, allowing teams to refine their workflows and boost operational efficiency.

Streamlined Invoicing and Client Transparency: This integration aids in accurate invoicing by tracking time spent on projects more precisely. It also includes features for client access to project updates, enhancing transparency and building trust.

User-Friendly Time Tracking Interface: The integration boasts a simple, one-click timer and optional screenshot features, making time tracking more intuitive and verifiable, suitable for both remote and in-office settings.

Qualitative Productivity Insights: Beyond just tracking time, the integration offers qualitative assessments, giving deeper insights into how different work settings affect productivity and employee well-being.

Technical Features:

  • The integration connects Height's task management capabilities with Insightful's advanced time tracking technology.

  • Users can easily start and stop the time tracker within Height with a single click, integrating time tracking into their regular workflow seamlessly.

  • Features like screenshot capture and client access for project progress review are integrated, ensuring user-friendliness and additional functionality.

  • Designed for diverse work environments, including remote, hybrid, and in-office teams, it offers versatility to meet various organizational needs.

Overall, the Height and Insightful integration transforms time tracking from a mere metric to an extensive analytical tool, empowering teams with valuable data to optimize processes, improve workflows, and enhance productivity and project outcomes.

Streamlining Team Performance with Insightful + Height Integration

This powerful synergy between two leading platforms offers a suite of tools tailored for diverse team needs in marketing, engineering, design, finance, product development, and recruiting. 

Through this integration, teams can not only track time with precision but also gain deeper insights into their workflows, enabling them to refine processes, optimize resource allocation, and elevate overall project execution

Here's how each team benefits from this powerful integration:

Marketing Teams

Marketing teams can efficiently manage and track diverse campaigns and initiatives. The integration offers real-time insights into the time spent on different marketing activities, from content creation to digital campaign management. This enables marketers to analyze the effectiveness of various strategies, allocate resources more efficiently, and optimize campaign performance based on data-driven insights.

Engineering Teams

Engineering teams, particularly those in software development, benefit from precise tracking of time spent on coding, testing, and debugging. This integration helps in monitoring development progress, identifying time-consuming tasks, and reallocating resources to meet project deadlines. Engineers can also gain insights into workflow patterns, leading to improved processes and coding practices.

Design Teams

For design teams, the Height and Insightful integration aids in tracking the time spent on each phase of the design process, from conceptualization to final production. This tracking enables designers to balance creativity with productivity, ensuring that project deadlines are met without compromising on design quality. It also helps in identifying areas where the design process can be streamlined or requires additional resources.

Finance Teams

Finance teams can use this integration to track and analyze time spent on various financial activities, such as budgeting, reporting, and compliance. This provides a clearer picture of the team's efficiency and helps in identifying areas for process improvement. The integration also assists in ensuring that critical financial deadlines are met and that the team's efforts align with the organization's financial objectives.

Product Teams

Product teams can leverage this integration for end-to-end management of product development cycles. From ideation to launch, teams can track time spent on each stage, helping to prioritize tasks and manage resources effectively. This level of tracking allows product managers to forecast timelines more accurately and make informed decisions about product strategy and roadmap adjustments.

Recruiting Teams

Recruiting teams can optimize their talent acquisition process by tracking the time spent on sourcing, interviewing, and onboarding candidates. The integration provides insights into the efficiency of the recruitment process, enabling teams to refine their strategies, reduce time-to-hire, and improve the overall candidate experience.

Simplified Height Integration with Insightful

Integrating Height with Insightful is an efficient, user-friendly process, crafted to boost team productivity and sharpen project management. The integration is designed for simplicity, enabling administrators to swiftly synchronize Height with Insightful for streamlined operations.

This collaboration brings forth critical insights into how teams allocate their time, pinpointing potential bottlenecks and facilitating better distribution of resources. Currently in its developmental phase, this integration leverages the expertise of, a third-party service, using a unified API for smooth connectivity.

Upon completion of the setup, team members can immediately start monitoring time spent on various tasks and projects. This enhancement simplifies the management process and significantly elevates team productivity and project tracking efficiency.


With the Height + Insightful integration, teams gain a robust solution for tracking time and enhancing productivity. This integration transcends being just a tool; it becomes a catalyst for honing project management methods, elevating team productivity, and adeptly handling the intricacies of software development and remote team coordination.

Adopting Insightful’s integration with Height marks a shift towards a more streamlined, transparent, and productive work environment, optimizing the way teams manage projects and collaborate.