Workpuls Teramind ActivTrak Hubstaff DeskTime Time Doctor RescueTime Kickidler Veriato Work Examiner
Price $6/user/month $6/user/month $7.20/user/month $7/user/month $7/user/month $9.99/user/month $6/user/month $9.99/user/month $150/licence/year $60/licence (lifetime)
Free trial 7 days 7 days No 14 days 14 days 14 days 30 days 7 days Yes 30 days
Ease of use Very easy Difficult Very easy Easy Easy Very easy Very easy Very easy Very difficult Easy
Unlimited (tracker working 24/7)
Fixed (defined working hours)
Automatic (when computer is connected to a specified network)
Manual (start/stop)
Project based (track time only on projects)
Stealth mode
App and website usage
Real-time monitoring
Offline time tracking
Activity levels
Remote desktop control
Website/activity blocking
Screenshots on demand
Screen recording
Productivity trends
Websites and apps labeling
Category labeling
Productivity alerts
User behavior analytics
Data loss prevention
Advanced file and web monitoring
Productivity reports
Team reports
Email reports
Access management
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
Mobile app iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android iOS, Android Android
Browser extension Chrome Chrome Chrome
Other Citrix, VMware Chrome OS
Support Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Phone, email, online Email, online Phone, email, online, in-person Online Phone, email, online Email, online, Viber, Whatsapp Phone, email, online, support ticket Phone, email, online
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Integrations comming soon
Deployment cloud, on-premise cloud, on-premise, AWS, Azure cloud cloud cloud cloud cloud on-premise cloud, on-premise on-premise
Kronos Humanity Timeclockplus Tsheets Wheniwork Deputy Replicon Jibble EbilityTimeTracker OnTheClock BeeBole
Price(per month)Available upon requestFrom $2 per userAvailable upon requestFrom $6.40 per user+$16Free for up to 75 usersFrom $2.50 per userBasic plan:$30 for 5 users+$5 per additional userFrom $1.50 per employeeFrom $4 per user+$8From $2.20 per user$5.99 per user per month
Free trial30 days14 daysYes14 days14 days14 days30 days30 days,no credit card required
Ease of useDifficultEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyDifficultVery easyEasyEasyEasy
Timecard management
Shift Trading
Break time management
Real-time tracking
PTO Management
Client billing
GPS tracking
Clock out reminders
Manual time
Web app
Mobile app
Time clock device
Time clock kiosk
Facial recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Group punch-in
Visual reports
Email reports
Time rounding
Manager approvals
Add time for others
Android app
iOS app
Mac desktop app
Windows desktop app
Linux desktop app
SupportPhone and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,chat and onlinePhone and chatEmail and onlineChat and phonePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlinePhone,email,chat and onlinePhone and onlineOnline chat and video support in English,French,and Spanish
Knowledge base
Video tutorials
Community forum

As the software development landscape continues to evolve, remote quality assurance (QA) teams are becoming increasingly popular. Working with remote QA teams allows businesses to access a global talent pool, reduce costs, and increase flexibility. 

However, managing remote QA teams comes with its own unique set of challenges, including communication barriers, time zone differences, and collaboration issues. 

In this article, we'll explore the common challenges faced by remote QA teams and offer practical solutions to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in software testing.

Communication and Collaboration in Remote QA Teams

One of the most critical aspects of managing a remote QA team is ensuring effective communication and collaboration. To overcome communication barriers and time zone differences, consider the following best practices:

  • Utilize communication tools: Use instant messaging, video conferencing, and project management software to facilitate seamless communication among team members.

  • Schedule regular meetings: Organize daily stand-ups or weekly meetings to discuss progress, address issues, and share updates. This helps to ensure everyone is on the same page and aware of any changes in project requirements or scope.

  • Foster a culture of openness: Encourage team members to share their thoughts, opinions, and concerns openly. This will lead to better collaboration and problem-solving.

Adapting to Changing Requirements in Remote QA Teams

With remote QA teams, adapting to changing requirements can also be challenging due to communication barriers and time zone differences. To effectively manage changes in requirements, consider the following:

  • Establish a change management process: Implement a clear process for handling requirement changes, including documentation, communication, and approval. This will ensure that all team members are aware of changes and can adapt accordingly. 

  • Emphasize agile development practices: Agile methodologies can help remote QA teams remain flexible and responsive to changing requirements. Encourage the adoption of agile principles, such as iterative development and continuous testing, to facilitate smooth adjustments to project requirements.

Implementing Early and Frequent Testing in Remote QA Teams

For remote QA teams, it's crucial to emphasize the importance of early and frequent testing throughout the software development life cycle. By doing so, potential bugs and issues can be identified and addressed sooner, reducing overall costs and improving product quality. Here are some strategies for implementing early and frequent testing in remote QA teams:

  • Encourage thorough documentation: Remote QA team members should maintain comprehensive documentation of test cases and results. This documentation can be shared with developers and stakeholders to ensure a clear understanding of the testing process.

  • Use automation to your advantage: Automation can be a powerful tool for remote QA teams, enabling more frequent testing without increasing the workload. Automated testing tools can handle repetitive tasks, verify calculations, and reduce overall testing times.

  • Conduct regular regression testing: By frequently performing regression testing, remote QA teams can identify and address any issues that may arise due to code changes or new functionalities.

Training and Assessment for Remote QA Team Members

To ensure the effectiveness of remote QA teams, it's essential to invest in ongoing training and assessment. This includes:

  • Providing comprehensive onboarding and training programs: Ensure new team members have access to the resources and support they need to become productive members of the team.

  • Regular performance reviews: Conduct periodic performance evaluations to assess the progress and competence of team members. This can help identify areas for improvement and provide opportunities for professional development.

  • Encouraging continuous learning: Foster a culture of continuous learning by providing access to relevant training courses, webinars, and industry conferences.

Embracing Agile, DevOps, and Continuous Testing in Remote QA Teams

The adoption of Agile, DevOps, and continuous testing practices can help remote QA teams improve efficiency and product quality. By embracing these methodologies, remote QA teams can

  • Speed up time-to-market: Agile and DevOps practices emphasize rapid development, testing, and deployment, enabling remote QA teams to deliver high-quality products more quickly.

  • Consistently release thoroughly-tested, high-quality products: Continuous testing ensures that all aspects of the product are tested regularly, reducing the risk of defects and improving overall product quality.

  • Automate more processes: The use of automated testing tools can help remote QA teams streamline testing processes, saving time and resources while increasing accuracy and consistency.

  • Improve workflows between departments: Agile and DevOps methodologies promote cross-functional collaboration, which can help remote QA teams work more effectively with other departments, such as development and operations.

Supporting Remote QA Teams with Insightful

Insightful is the best employee tool according to employee monitoring software reviews that can support remote QA teams in overcoming common challenges and improving efficiency in software testing. While Insightful doesn't offer direct solutions for communication, project management, or testing tools, its features can help you monitor and manage your remote QA team's performance more effectively.

Key Features of Insightful:

  • Productivity tracking: Insightful solves the problem of how to track remote employees’ productivity by providing insights into the productivity of your remote QA team members. By monitoring their computer usage, you can identify patterns, address inefficiencies, and make data-driven decisions to optimize team performance.

  • Time tracking: Insightful's time tracking feature enables you to track the time spent by your remote QA team members on specific tasks or projects. This data can help you better allocate resources, manage workloads, and ensure that deadlines are met.

  • Website and application monitoring: Insightful supports monitoring employees at work by monitoring the websites and applications accessed by your remote QA team members. By analyzing this information, you can identify potential distractions, ensure compliance with company policies, and promote a focused work environment.
  • Screenshots and activity monitoring: Insightful can capture periodic screenshots and record user activity, providing visibility into your remote QA team's work processes. This feature can help you identify any inefficiencies, spot potential bottlenecks, and address issues before they escalate.
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Remote Work Management

Overcoming Challenges and Improving Remote QA Teams' Efficiency in Software Testing

Written by
Kendra Gaffin
Published on
April 17, 2023

As the software development landscape continues to evolve, remote quality assurance (QA) teams are becoming increasingly popular. Working with remote QA teams allows businesses to access a global talent pool, reduce costs, and increase flexibility. 

However, managing remote QA teams comes with its own unique set of challenges, including communication barriers, time zone differences, and collaboration issues. 

In this article, we'll explore the common challenges faced by remote QA teams and offer practical solutions to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in software testing.

Communication and Collaboration in Remote QA Teams

One of the most critical aspects of managing a remote QA team is ensuring effective communication and collaboration. To overcome communication barriers and time zone differences, consider the following best practices:

  • Utilize communication tools: Use instant messaging, video conferencing, and project management software to facilitate seamless communication among team members.

  • Schedule regular meetings: Organize daily stand-ups or weekly meetings to discuss progress, address issues, and share updates. This helps to ensure everyone is on the same page and aware of any changes in project requirements or scope.

  • Foster a culture of openness: Encourage team members to share their thoughts, opinions, and concerns openly. This will lead to better collaboration and problem-solving.

Adapting to Changing Requirements in Remote QA Teams

With remote QA teams, adapting to changing requirements can also be challenging due to communication barriers and time zone differences. To effectively manage changes in requirements, consider the following:

  • Establish a change management process: Implement a clear process for handling requirement changes, including documentation, communication, and approval. This will ensure that all team members are aware of changes and can adapt accordingly. 

  • Emphasize agile development practices: Agile methodologies can help remote QA teams remain flexible and responsive to changing requirements. Encourage the adoption of agile principles, such as iterative development and continuous testing, to facilitate smooth adjustments to project requirements.

Implementing Early and Frequent Testing in Remote QA Teams

For remote QA teams, it's crucial to emphasize the importance of early and frequent testing throughout the software development life cycle. By doing so, potential bugs and issues can be identified and addressed sooner, reducing overall costs and improving product quality. Here are some strategies for implementing early and frequent testing in remote QA teams:

  • Encourage thorough documentation: Remote QA team members should maintain comprehensive documentation of test cases and results. This documentation can be shared with developers and stakeholders to ensure a clear understanding of the testing process.

  • Use automation to your advantage: Automation can be a powerful tool for remote QA teams, enabling more frequent testing without increasing the workload. Automated testing tools can handle repetitive tasks, verify calculations, and reduce overall testing times.

  • Conduct regular regression testing: By frequently performing regression testing, remote QA teams can identify and address any issues that may arise due to code changes or new functionalities.

Training and Assessment for Remote QA Team Members

To ensure the effectiveness of remote QA teams, it's essential to invest in ongoing training and assessment. This includes:

  • Providing comprehensive onboarding and training programs: Ensure new team members have access to the resources and support they need to become productive members of the team.

  • Regular performance reviews: Conduct periodic performance evaluations to assess the progress and competence of team members. This can help identify areas for improvement and provide opportunities for professional development.

  • Encouraging continuous learning: Foster a culture of continuous learning by providing access to relevant training courses, webinars, and industry conferences.

Embracing Agile, DevOps, and Continuous Testing in Remote QA Teams

The adoption of Agile, DevOps, and continuous testing practices can help remote QA teams improve efficiency and product quality. By embracing these methodologies, remote QA teams can

  • Speed up time-to-market: Agile and DevOps practices emphasize rapid development, testing, and deployment, enabling remote QA teams to deliver high-quality products more quickly.

  • Consistently release thoroughly-tested, high-quality products: Continuous testing ensures that all aspects of the product are tested regularly, reducing the risk of defects and improving overall product quality.

  • Automate more processes: The use of automated testing tools can help remote QA teams streamline testing processes, saving time and resources while increasing accuracy and consistency.

  • Improve workflows between departments: Agile and DevOps methodologies promote cross-functional collaboration, which can help remote QA teams work more effectively with other departments, such as development and operations.

Supporting Remote QA Teams with Insightful

Insightful is the best employee tool according to employee monitoring software reviews that can support remote QA teams in overcoming common challenges and improving efficiency in software testing. While Insightful doesn't offer direct solutions for communication, project management, or testing tools, its features can help you monitor and manage your remote QA team's performance more effectively.

Key Features of Insightful:

  • Productivity tracking: Insightful solves the problem of how to track remote employees’ productivity by providing insights into the productivity of your remote QA team members. By monitoring their computer usage, you can identify patterns, address inefficiencies, and make data-driven decisions to optimize team performance.

  • Time tracking: Insightful's time tracking feature enables you to track the time spent by your remote QA team members on specific tasks or projects. This data can help you better allocate resources, manage workloads, and ensure that deadlines are met.

  • Website and application monitoring: Insightful supports monitoring employees at work by monitoring the websites and applications accessed by your remote QA team members. By analyzing this information, you can identify potential distractions, ensure compliance with company policies, and promote a focused work environment.
  • Screenshots and activity monitoring: Insightful can capture periodic screenshots and record user activity, providing visibility into your remote QA team's work processes. This feature can help you identify any inefficiencies, spot potential bottlenecks, and address issues before they escalate.